M+ Tempered Hero Title -- Updated February 21

In this post, we’ll update the score required to earn the Tempered Hero title for The War Within Season 1. As a reminder, the title will go to all players who end The War Within Mythic+ Season 1 with a Mythic+ Rating in the top 0.1% in each region.

If the season ended today, in this region, the title would go to those who scored at least:


Good luck!

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Thundering? Are you sure that’s the title?

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Please make an announcement that people who abused the follower dungeon buff exploit / brewmaster Necrotic Wake exploit are disqualified for title to make it fair for the rest of us


Wasn’t it the Tempered Hero? You’re really that busy where you had copy pasta the DF S1 post?


Mr. Kaivax,

I know we are a small portion of the player base but please update the title to the proper title “the Tempered Hero”



Kaivax AI confirmed


what’s that exploit, i havn’t heard of it, and why only brew’s doing it?

Its not really much of an exploit when you consider fleshcrafters and MC exist.

Basically, brewmaster cannot die from stagger ticks. They also are very hard to one shot. You build stacks of the buff on the Stitched Vanguard until he has an absurd level of haste, then you exploding keg and stand there for 3 seconds because you’ll take no damage. Once the brewmaster is dead, or basically dead, the DK then Control Undeads the mob and you get a turbo hasted vanguard.

But considering that the highest key completed with this “exploit” is a +18 and people are clearing +21s with flesh crafters and priests, I don’t think its much of a big deal.

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Definitely need to just straight up remove MC abilities from M+

Thundering hero heh, or do you mean Buffed hero?

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More proof of 17th world smally indie co stationed on Mars. Can’t even make a post without a copy paste from a long time ago.


so like 5 people are using this then lol

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Kinda wish it was by server

Servers are just artificial barriers now. It doesn’t make sense to be server specific if you can do everything cross realm. People already server transfer to get BG glad/rank1 back in the days, this is going to be even more degenerate.

As of this writing, about 50 “FIFTY” Hunters… Compared to over 1,000 "ONE THOUSAND’ Pallies and about 900 “NINE HUNDRED” Evokers.

Class balance is fine! :ok_hand:


What a terrible idea

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Hey, Aug Evokers.

Don’t lump the poor Dev and Pres Evokers in with those… things.