M+ Needs Modernized

Legion is considered outdated now?

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And sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. He was the one who slammed op, the fact that you are defending this pathetic excuse for a human being makes you just as bad as him, because all you do is enable this behavior.

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This you?


I am not defending anyone.

I am merely saying that insulting a person’s personal life with a bunch of assumptions is quite toxic.

And if one is to complain someone else is toxic…while being just as toxic.

They are not standing on solid ground.

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The timer does several things.

1: It creates a requirement for players to perform on their role to succeed.
2: It allows players to weigh increasing difficulty / risk with pull sizes against time saves, especially relevant in keys around 10.
3: It creates a soft fail state for groups who are out of their depth for one reason or another.
4: It deters the need for dungeon content to be excessively mechanically complex in the style of raid encounters.
5: It sets expectations around the time commitment required / expected to complete the content. Something very important in PuGs.


I didnt single out or go into details about someones personal life, i read his post amd gauged his tone, then made the assumption that he must be miserable irl to come on the forums flaming someone who makes a valid point about the state of m+. The fact that you are getting offended for someone else probably means you also fall into the same category as him.

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It can also be challenging with a bigger boss and dps checks, but then the trash stops mattering. Be cool if they made content like that as well, call it something like an assault.

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There is an easy fix for this, get rid of these long CDs from classes. Bloodlust has been a dumb talent since BC. They could design classes to be more MOBA like, with shorter CDs, or prune away a lot of the DPS CDs and just bake that into the rotation.

This community here on the GD that defends M+ and actively keeps particpating in that content has been holding the game back for years. Dungeon content in WoW so so so so stale, and has been for some time.

The entire game has been stale, because so much of the game is being held hostage by M+.

Bottom line, M+ has made the game just super stale when it comes to class design and encounter design. Designing classes around M+ has killed PVP.

The only thing left in retail that has any kind of fresh ideas is the raids, the rest of the game is just stagnant, saddled by M+.

If you are offended about that, then you got some soul searching to do and need to reflect on yourself. Nothing i said was directed at you amd you took it as such. Sorry your life is miserable too. Need a hug?

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Bliz do make a mega dungeon between the 2nd and 3rd raid tiers that often fills this role. It’s funny though because the last one they made they made challenging because people were asking for challenging 5 man untimed content and as a result almost nobody did it and just complained about it being too hard.

It was easier than the m+ equivalent for it’s ilvl, mind you.

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Since Vanilla.


M+ is the first time dungeon content mattered at end game.

I dont know “having something to do” is worse than “ignoring it”

I never said it was directed at me.

I appreciate you attempt at being snarky, but when you are not fully reading and understanding comments it just comes off as a swing and a miss.

All I said is that it was a “toxic” comment while complaining someone else is “toxic”. And more toxic than I have experienced in m+ in a loooooong time.


I know, I was trying to make a joke about raids tbh. Dawn was great for hard mode though, it had hands for sure.

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Most peoples toxic behavior is predisposed to irl things and the game just tips things over the edge. So yes i stand by what i say and if you think that is toxic well thats on you.

Don’t waste your time arguing with posters like Akston, they are the masters of being annoying without breaking the CoC. Its best to just ignore them. You will see these forums have the same faces that are hopelessly addicted to these forums.

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So what IRL things did you experience to become such?

“Dont waste your time arguing with people that constantly point out I am wrong”


See now you are assuming with me, guess that makes you just as toxic as me

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You are wrong, you are always wrong

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I see what you did there.

You claim what you did is not toxic and fine, until someone else does it!

The ol switcheroo

Schrodingers Toxicity.

Good rebuttal!

I dunno.

I think calling someone else always wrong comes from the deep seeded issue irl where one is always wrong. So one looks for this power online to be “right”. And it is mostly accomplished by just calling others wrong.

(did i do it right?)

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Can we get back on topic?

Fill the dungeons with lava blizzard! Make it happen!