M+ Balance DPS per spec 9.1.5

So if you as a below average player can do it then it’s not a class or spec issue.

Yes at the very cutting edge of the game where 99% of people never see.

So again, wow clearly has issues going back years, balance has only been improving.

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Say the people not even looking at data lol


Do you understand the concept of statistical representation?

Please show me some useful DPS data from raider IO, or anywhere else for that matter.

It’s the best data we got. Can’t help how you feel about it or that you seem offended by it for some reason.

Yes. You’re using a flawed system. You’re taking the data from 1000 keys and using that as fact for viability based on an extreme low data number.

You do realize raider.io is specifically designed for mythic plus right?

The majority of data from warcraft logs is t even logged it’s just a show of completion and doesn’t even show the damage numbers or deaths.

This thread isn’t about viability. This thread is about balance and relative DPS output. It’s not making an argument for viability in any direction.

And you do realize that’s not useful DPS data I was asking for?

So repeat after me…

This thread isn’t about viability
This thread isn’t about viability
This thread isn’t about viability

How is balance of classes not viability?

There isn’t an accurate log of the data you want too so you’re numbers are flawed off the bat. It’s worse than polling 1000 people and saying you polled the nation.

You’re right.
My bad.


Came back to this thread because I got my Feral to 60 and ~200 ilvl yesterday; started doing some M+ on it today and my DPS is extremely poor compared to all the other classes that I have played.

I have played Fury, WW, Havoc, BM, Enhance, Fire, and prot paladin in SL and I have always been able to get top dps in M+ with them within the first 1-2 M+ runs, regardless of my teammates or I’s ilvl, with me usually being 15-20 ivls below the other dps. I just completed a +2 and a +5 fortified and I wasn’t able to break second place let alone first. Running proper conduits, soulbind, legendary (dots tick 25% faster) and my DPS is just terrible compared to all those other classes I listed.

Feral needs a considerable buff to their AOE damage or something of the sort. The rotation doesn’t feel bad to play the damage simply just isn’t there.

Apparently I need to get better at frost mage :thinking:

Those are pretty much high water marks for all the specs. If you investigate some you’ll probably find all parses in that range are with fully leveled conduits and fully leveled damage gems in at least heroic domination gear.

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