M+ Balance DPS per spec 9.1.5

Things were a bit more balanced in BFA when you had scrolls for class buffs and drums weren’t as bad as they are now. You could make groups with any kind of class composition and not suffer.

Just the covenant stuff + mandatory hero + somewhat mandatory b-res (if people don’t have engineering) leaves many specs as being clearly better than others.


Yup, between Lust hero and the covenant gimmick mechanics it’s almost like early TBC with groups only wanting specific CC’s to run heroics.

Yet the statistics don’t agree. That’s also an average across all bosses.

Arcane has the top spec performance for the last 3 bosses in mythic sod compared to frost and fire at 99th percentile and only loses to frost on fatescribe at 95th percentile.

Everything is playable to +20s
Everything is playable to Cutting Edge
Everything is playable to Gladiator

It’s hard to hear for people that are struggling due to lack of knowledge/skill, but it isn’t a balancing issue in 99.9% of cases.



Best to ignore Ingvaeonic Below average player blaming everything but himself.


Just because it’s doable doesn’t mean it’s balanced.

That’s just the point were the lack of balance transitions from an opportunity cost to the group to an outright failure.

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Again, people making excuses for their lack of knowledge/skill.
Go play the game instead of complaining that another spec is 2.82% better in a specific scenario.

Well said diablo

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He’s not lying.

+15 keys are basically the bare minimum metric and they’re easy. We were clearing +15s at season start in iLvl 220… now people are blowing through them in 240-250 iLvl. They feel like +10s.

Base +20 keys aren’t that hard at all either. They’re kind of what +15s were last season where KSM actually mattered. And any spec can do them up to that point.

So class popularity doesn’t actually mean specs can’t do the keys.


I’m talking about Ingvaeonic.

I went into a +15 with my bear 220 ilvl from 9.0 , and it was ez crap ,+15s are a joke this season , it was already ez in 9.0 but in 9.1 …KEKW

Just bc a spec can do them, doesn’t mean they will excel at the level of the meta classes.

The conversation is, at most, taking a singular angle at balance. The statistics just show spec popularity and spec attendance. It doesn’t show if the bottom dwelling specs were carried by meta specs during the runs. It also doesn’t show if the bottom dwellers were brought for specific buffs in certain situations.

We know that most people can run +15/+20s by now, that is par for every other m+ xpac. That is really not the discussion here. The point of contention is that the bottom dps specs are at least 7-10% behind the meta specs. Whether or not these specs are completing high keys isn’t a valid stance to the discussion. We have already concluded that these specs can “do” the keys, although the degree if completion can also be argued. 7-10% behind any other spec is not a valid balance.

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People are being forced to face some difficulty truths this expansion.

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The bottom specs are 34% off from the top spec. Hell the second spec is 10% off from the first.

And were not talking average joe blow keyboard turning players here. The data is the best parses submitted to warcraft logs.

Yeah, I went from Korthia 220 gear into +15s, and they were ez on my paly tank.

They nerfed these dungeons a lot. Used to have to kite trash on +10s on season 1 as a tank.

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The unfortunate reality if this is that people decipher doable = balanced.

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I guess it was only a matter of time before this devolved from data to “It doesn’t matter because I’m so good” arguments.

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Pretty much.

It always ends up as “if I can do it then it’s good.”

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That is it, though. Specs are (for the most part) fine in terms of balance. I’m sorry to hear that you may be struggling, but that’s a skill or social issue, not a class/spec balance one.

As the lead developer said
skill issue

I’m glad that he didn’t attempt to sugar coat it and just hit people with the facts

You do realize that the majority of key data isn’t logged right?

Also raider io > warcraft
Logs when looking at mplus.

Also damage profiles for some classes help them more in mplus than raid.