M+ Balance, DPS Per Spec 9.1

When did elemental get so gud?

i got lectured for bringing an enh shammy to one of my keys last week…now i Know why

It’s an interesting analysis of the data and I like your “I’m neutral, just presenting the analysis” approach, but there are likely factors that have a significant impact on damage throughput that are not considered in your analysis.

What if the difference between those above the 90% (Windwalker through Arms) and those below 90%, is that the top-end all have mythic Dom gear and rank-5 Dom gems while those below are missing pieces. What if it’s tied to a particular pair of trinkets? What if classes at the top are not AOE-capped and those below are? What if it’s talent selection (likely dungeon-specific and not just class/spec)?

For a dev intent on designing for balance (in your title), it is of interest to identify causal factors that are game-related (not player skill) which result in a spread bigger than 5% total (i.e., nobody should be < 95%, when variance for player skill is removed, if the game-design among all classes/specs was balanced for M+ so that they are all viable).

Balance for gear may be more complicated since the dev might have a mandate from above to give raiders an advantage over non-raiders in M+ (it shouldn’t be that way, but I get that it might be).

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For this to be an issue you would have to assume a conspiracy of every player in the spec choosing not to use that gear. But the data is out there, you can look up those players in the armory. In the case of feral they should be pretty well decked out since they seem to be doing ok in raid.

When they made changes early this expansion. They also have a lot of options to play with. Necro and NF are solid. Plus a few different leggos work well. Toss in a lot of utility and its fun as hell right now.

It was more a rhetorical question! :smiley:

Some people don’t raid and are of the mindset that you should be able to do the best in M+ if you only do M+, be the best at PvP if you only do PvP, and be the best at Raiding if you only Raid.

Raiders sometimes are quite vocally against when they have to PvP to get X piece of gear or do M+ to get Y piece of gear to be “optimal in raid.” I’m starting to see the same from M+ players that don’t raid when considering that Dom Gems give a bonus in M+ but can only be obtained from Raid. I’m not sure that’s a balance issue and could be working as intended because “the dev might have a mandate from above to give raiders an advantage over non-raiders in M+.”

At any rate, data analysis is always interesting to me, so thanks for the OP!
P.S. Data analysis is not “looking for conspiracy,” but rather looking at what statistically significant differences are present and hypothesizing what drives that.

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Was just a surprise to see them and warriors ahead of DH’s, which seem to be really tearing it up.

This is flawed from the get go.

  1. Not all runs are logged.

  2. Warcraft logs way of logging the actual runs for parse percentage is not done correctly.

  3. For the above 2 reasons, any and all data you just used is irrelevant. If not every run is logged, you have an incomplete chart. I can honestly tell you, a very small portion of runs are actually “logged”.

Be my guest, ask RIO they will tell you the exact same thing I just told you

Feral trash spec. Lacks so much utility every single other class brings. sigh.

probably Feral has low AOE dps but you have good ST damage, powerful defensives and much off-healing without lose dps. the affix “Bursting” and “Grievous” is not dangerous for us

I had the same thought. What’s the point of all this? Especially cus it’s just looking at +15s.

  1. It’s statistical sample. By the 25 best DPS log every run may not be logged ( You have a bunch in there, do you log? ) but you have enough data to show a trend and shed some light on balance between the specs. It’s method is bad in that it’s self selecting, but for the purpose of measuring a specs potential that may be helpful because the self selection is probably people who care more about the best performance.

  2. It’s not looking at warcraft logs parse percentage or points, just the raw DPS data. I agree the warcraft logs rankings system isn’t all that useful.

  3. Irrelevant for what? Looking at DPS output balance between specs at the m15 level?

I don’t understand how my highest overall dps in a dungeon is 10.5k, and that says the top is 8k for feral.

Especially since I am very far from the top feral even on my server.

The highest feral run in the data for a 15 is 9,478


The 25th best run for feral in that dungeon is 7,546, and it’s 25th best run this is looking at because by that point the output clusters more and is probably a better measure of a spec because it throws out extreme outliers.

Just looking at 15’s probably tosses out a lot of “pull half the dungeon” runs.

I’m sure every spec has outliers at the top that aren’t recorded. 1st AVG column has more of the outlier data.

I mean, 15s get pulled like they were +24s all the time. Not necessarily always successfully, but I don’t see that that would get them tossed out.

I mean, HoA basically starts as 5 back to back triple pulls. (Which is where I did that 10.5k in I think a +17 or +18.) And that’s not for padding, that’s just for efficiency and making timers.

Considering that somebody could choose to pad harder than that in 15s, one assumes the top dps should be much higher.

edit: I suppose I should note that while I’ve done far more DPS than that chart shows, the run I’m referring to I got absolutely smacked on overall. There was an Ele doing 14k. And this was a pug. When I watch top end streamers the numbers are absolutely flabbergasting.

With the current level of gear, skill and experience the playerbase has now, looking at 15s doesn’t accurately represent a classes strength.

If you’ve got specs which require ramp-up, they’re going to be poorly represented next to classes with front-loaded DPS as stuff dies way too fast.

And your list accurately represents that, which low-ramp specs like WW, MM and Ele absolutely crushing specs that take time to ramp up but have otherwise insane damage profiles in M+, like Boomkins or Mages in general.


Record your runs then.

The intent is to look more at relative output of the specs.

The method is the same for all the specs and this is the data we get for the 25th highest run sorted by DPS.

Since there is a correlation between these ranks and the rank of the highest IO for the spec, it might be a good indication. And IO does record every run.

You think the general player base has any understanding of damage profiles and their interaction with content?

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I see similar things on Piddy here as a destro warlock.

It’s readily apparent at the beginning on dungeons, everyone rockets ahead of me in terms of damage and DPS because it’s all AOE trash pulls.

But once things settle down, I’m typically top peak DPS, but my overall damage is less than others simply because of weaker AOE.

Which is fine, when it comes to boss fights, I can shine better and be a better contributor.

See this argument all the time.

In a tier where shroud of concealment isn’t that useful we have everything a rogue has plus battle rez, battle healing, typhoon to help kite, and soothe.

Feral brings excellent utility.

But you don’t out utility an instance.

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