M+ and PvP weekly chests

Haste gear was significantly nerfed and made useless almost a year ago for feral druid. I’m getting tired of week after week opening my pvp and m10+ chest, only to have more haste gear given to me.

There’s plenty of leather mastery/vers, mastery/crit, crit/vers options. Literally haste is NOT even remotely useful for feral. So damn frustrating.

Are you sure about that?

Isn’t haste is best secondary stats for most DPS spec after the GCD change?

Smh… if you think haste is still good for feral you’re so lost.

Mastery/Vers for pvp. Mastery/crit for pve

Maybe your guild name is not ironic after all.

Both the Icy Veins and Wowhead feral guides put haste as the bottom secondary stat. They recommend the same priority except one has Agi at the top, the other the bottom.

Crit > Mastery > Versatility > Haste

I don’t play feral so I couldn’t say how accurate other than simming a certain ilvl and things could change. Or it could be like sin rogue where haste is top in raids and bottom in M+.

In a quick sim of Nrp, haste was #2. Crit > Has > Vers > Mast > Agi. I’m guessing that wearing 0 haste pieces means the relative haste is so low it’s good in raid.

stat weights have not been useful for a while, best to run a top gear sim
haste probably not the most popular stat sure, but its not useless like OP mentions

Set your loot spec to guardian. I get better feral drops with that lol

I think feral and guarding have the same loot table.

Pretty easy to check, just switch specs in the adventure guide and see if you get different loot tables.

They are pretty much identical I think just a couple of trinkets different probably. Things like Rezans eye or the skittering rubbish dps one

Being at the bottom of the list doesn’t equate to “worst stat”.

Andre de Grass isn’t the slowest man in the world just because Usain Bolt beat him by 0.10 seconds.

You’re looking at stat values incorrectly.

Stop it.


There will always be a point where the next point of your lowest rated stat will outweigh your best stat

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