Lucid Dreams Rank 3

Hey everyone,

Just getting back into a warrior here and I realize I have a few pieces I need to work on before I really get into arms. However, I see that lucid dreams is a big part of the spec. I prefer not grind out to rank 3. So I was wondering how essential is rank 3? Or would rank 1 or 2 work just as well at least as a minor power?

Thanks for the feedback!

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From purely a playstyle perspective, Rank 2 Lucid is viable. This is because Rank 3 grants leech as opposed to any form of increase to resource regeneration. The prolonged increase to rage gain is what’s necessary for Arms to maximise our Test of Might windows. However, if you want to be competitive in your damage, Rank 3 will be necessary due to the versatility increase that comes with Rank 3 minor.

Can’t speak for dps but for prot rank 3 is required if you’re running anything higher than 17s. The leech from major is really helpful, but if you don’t plan going that high you just go VoP major and rank 2 lucid minor should be fine.

If you use it as major in single target fight (like raid boss), you need to get it as least rank 2, as rank 2 duration is increased to 15s (compare to rank 1, 12s). So you can spend more rage when the major is active. rank 3 is grant you leech while the major is active.

Rank 3 minor is very good because it temporary grants you versatility stats (talking about 300-400+ vers stat depends on neck level) for 8s if the minor is proc and refund you 50% rage, increase your damage during that 8s.

So basically what holychef say, is viable to use at least rank 2, but if you want to be competitive, you need to get it to rank 3.

For prot tank, i believe tank would want to get to rank 3 to get that temporary vers stat buff (which tank doesn’t like vers stat?)

Awesome! Thank you everyone for the replies. How well does it pair with fury? Is it as essential?

Fury doesn’t use lucid in pve unless you are missing other key essences.

I’m kind of in the same boat, I only have rank 1 Lucid but I’m pretty close to finishing it. I still have a bit better DPS as Arms than Fury though even without it, so it’s not like it’s a prerequisite to respeccing Arms—you just need r3 Lucid for an optimized build.

Fury does not need it at all. Fury needs Blood of the Enemy as the major. It’s okay as a minor but not mandatory. Breath of the Dying is the only one that is mandatory as a secondary IMO

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