Lua error when choosing specializations

Bumping again still not fixed. I refuse to unlearn my profession as I have had it since wrath.


Having the same issue since launch. Only happening on my main all my alts so far have had no issues. Tried the suggested ui reset didnt work. Like others I’ve had my profession (jewelcrafting) for years and I dont want to lose all the patterns I farmed or bought with trying the unlearn and relearn option.

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Still broken bumping everyday until fixed!

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Bumping again still broken

My specialization is still broken Blizzard. Please fix!

Same. Mine is broken as well and has been since launch.

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Still Can’t chose a specialization. :frowning:

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Still broke

Yup still unable to access my enchanting specialization pane

As of this afternoon my Enchanting was miraculously fixed! Must have been a hotfix pushed cause poof! I can spend my points now!