Lowbie Corps Camping on PVP realms

Getting camped for an hour is definitely annoying, but after the third or fourth rez that’s when you call in back-up.

AS for Blizz CS interaction, their ToS is not a clear and infallible set of rules. It’s up to their discretion to decide whether or not they exercise the whatever those terms are.

That’s one of the reasons the ToS is all-encompassing, so they can exercise a lot of power over players in a way they deem fit to change the environment or behaviour in a way they deem acceptable.

SO if they say “Log off for a while we’re not going to do anything” then that’s their prerogative and you have to accept their decision. If they decide to delete the camper’s account, also their prerogative.

You’re more or less powerless to change this, and if that sounds depressing (it is), then welcome to the world of online gaming where IP rights have been absolutely F*CKED for consumers and favours business heavily.

All being said and done, it is a dam shame that Blizzard have become so callous in their interactions with customers, where generally the CS team were friendly, agreeable, cooperative and competent.

You mean being a douche? Because you knew before classic launched battlegrounds and honor weren’t going to be in the game for a while. Yes, what you are doing isn’t harassment but you’re an ahole for sure.

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That’s the beauty of vanilla, I get rewarded and empowered for investing time and effort in the game, not everyone can be a happy winner like in retail. So yeah i’m going to abuse the system because it’s fair.

Until you get focused in battlegrounds, have fun.


You do know Alliance and Horde are the same people, right?

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You take that back RIGHT NOW!!!


Lol is this guy for real? Rez behind a tree and mount up.

“At least six whole levels above me oh noes!”

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Lol. Horde, you guys gonna let this dude represent you?

You got your answer. Now you have to make a decision. You several options:

  1. Accept the decision given to you and deal with it in the manner they suggested.
  2. Do not accept the decision and keep pestering them till they change their mind or ban you. Likely the latter.
  3. Realize you are at an impasse with Blizzard and cease playing.

Going on these forums about it isn’t going to change those available options. You’re going to have to select one.

Nope, never has, never will.

The reason?

It’s a way to get wpvp going. He does this to you, you either get a bigger friend, or alt if yours, and pummel him into the dirt AND return the camping favor.

If you can’t handle this, and it sounds like you can’t, you need to reroll on a PVE server now, before you put too much time into a character that will lead you to anger at least once a week. If it’s red, it’s dead, that is pvp life. A PVE server gives you the choice to flag, not be that way all the time. This allows you to quest or play solo without some idiot ruining your day.


I usually don’t say things like this… but:

Just quit. This is not the game for you. That is honestly (and I believe helpful) advice.

Sorry dude, this is what you sign up for when you roll on a PvP server.

It sucks. It definitely sucks. But people do, in fact, have no lives, and they spend their entire days ganking people and giggling to themselves while knowing you’re getting angry. I know, because I used to do it over a decade ago when I also had no life.

I would sit there in Redridge and corpse camp the heck out of someone until they spirit rezzed. I would hide behind trees, I would hide behind hills, I would go just out of range of vision on my mount repeatedly so he’d see and I’d turn around and go back repeatedly until he rezzed and kill him again.

It’s not a bannable offense. You chose to play on a PvP server, knowing zones are contested starting at 15ish and you could get owned at any time. You admit to knowing you’ll get corpse camped, and are just annoyed because someone did it over and over and over and over.

What it sounds like is you should be rerolling on a PvE server. Blizzard provided that option solely so you don’t have to experience PvP if you don’t choose. But even then, you still can if you flag.

Taking a break, spirit rez and going somewhere else, rerolling on a PvE server, they’re all viable options.

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There will always be azzholes like this. Unfortunately there is no way around it. All I can recommend is start another character and switch to him when this happens. Just let the the idiot get bored while you level another character in peace

A. Is your post meant as a joke or sarcasm?

B. Why is the 6th kill where you draw your (arbitrary) line? That makes no sense.

Seems I recall blizz ending pvp servers a couple of years ago for just this reason. Now you got your pvp back with classic. Enjoy it.

I’ve always thought blizz should call them Gank and Camp Lowbies server so there’s no confusion about what people are actually getting into.

How does rez sickness prevent you from playing the game? Does it hinder your ability to cause and take damage effectively–sure…but to say that it completely prevents you from playing is silly.

I have posted many auctions while having rez sickness. Leveled many profession points while having rez sickness…should I keep going?

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Depends on the players, there are those that can do something about it, and those that can’t. I’ve at least fought back, many times, when being “ganked” and at least put up a fight for skulls, but I find those players to be wimps anyways. They are afraid of you. They know that once other players join the end game, they will be a lesser compared to you.

But most importantly, like I said earlier, it largely depends on the players on the server. I’m not going to macro a /wave to people just to be “I come in peace”. I attack you or don’t. But most of the time, if not all the time, I will not gank anyone unless someone else does it to me first. Would rather get a /duel or something, especially on grob. I’m sick of the red is dead on a RP pvp server. At least have a back story for that crap.

Corpse camping is not against the rules. If anyone camps you, stay dead, take a break, get a snack, watch a youtube video. Do something else productive and let them waste time. You’re in control of the situation staying dead anyways. Use it to your advantage. 9 times out of 10 they will get bored and move on. Don’t immediately ress if they leave either as they maybe testing to see if you ress by faking their departure. Play smarter. If you are nearing your end of game play just spirit ress and LOS hearth.

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-Ask in general chat for help
-Spirit rez
-Don’t respawn directly on your corpse like a complete noob, do you not have mount as a warrior at 43? Spawn in a corner somewhere, mount up, profit.
-Stop being a terrible whiney player

There’s your options.


Its not about the camping, is about the res sickness. Until I don’t see you take it, we will make this dance of camping. Only you can decide when it finish, otherwise it is off of my hands.