Be nice if u had to be lvl110+ to que event
I’m doing something wrong then. I dinged my last 110 in 2d 8m but you make it sound like you can do it in a day or something. Did you mean to say “if it takes you longer than 2-3 days”?
who is doing that?
Also i do understand why the level keeps being bumped up, they want it to be “current content” which is why the LOOT never changes but just gets boosted like every holiday event when we have slots that use artifacts some of the loot will always be useless.
It is a annoying choice to change the level requirement my issue is the LAST MINUTE until that information hits the playerbase.
They clearly need to use the calendar to give us some info after they fix the shootty thing.
I am talking about 2-3 days off actual play time. I haven’t had a ton take that long since vanilla getting to 60
My bad, I went back and reread, you said “110” and I was thinking 120. Yeah I get to 120 in 2 days /played.
How come there isnt a lovely pink dress or a lovely white dress ? Just saying and how come there iant any other lovely roses to match the dresses? Also how come there is no hide glove option at least for this event ? Or special lace gloves that match dresses ?
You know I am noticing a downside to the low drop rate. Players are doing what players do in these situations, afking the content.
But clearly there’s a community here, a community of edge case players willing to go through great lengths to try and farm this mount. Why shouldn’t Blizzard serve that community by keeping it rare? Obsessives need love too.
They don’t have to buy boosts, they have an entire year to level up alts to be ready for next year. I think after Legion, it’s fair to expect that you need to be 120 next expansion for this boss. They should most certainly be clear on that aspect.
I think sleeping next to your computer with a mob alert going off at 3am to capture some rare spawn is insane, but people do it. People like pursuing impossible content. So, here’s some impossible content to get.
The journey is the reward, so I’m told.
“Bumped up?”
At one point, it was on the loot table for 20s.
This blows and you know it. It’s garbage. Honestly if you can run SFK, you should be able to farm this damn mount. I mean really, I’ve played for over a decade now and don’t have it yet. I shouldn’t be punished for not leveling a ton of toons to 110. I mean I know I don’t - HAVE - to, but as a mount farmer it feels like punishment. Up the dang drop rate or let us buy it with tokens, even if it’s an absurd amount that takes us longer than one holiday.
You do know people are tired of the RNG right? It’s the biggest complaint.
I don’t think currencies persist after the holiday anymore.
I’m so glad that I’m playing FFXIV, where their holiday events are typically level 15 and above. (With the rare level 30 for the summer event last year.) I’ll be doing that instead, thanks.
Maybe someday y’all will realize that things are better when players can participate in a holiday event without having to practically be max level. You already had increased it from 20 to 60, then 60 to 98, and now 98 to 110. What about new players? Still not caring about them, I see?
It’s not fun. It’s already an incredibly rare mount that can only be farmed once a day per character for only 2 weeks a year. (And only 10 characters an hour at that.) Change your mind about this, please.
Toy dropped for me yesterday (already got it) thought of you I’ll trade you 1 toy for 1 big love rocket
I really want to get the black dress on my 110 rogue and want to hedge my bets by farming charm bracelets. So far I haven’t had much luck with mobs I can kill with relative ease as they need to be 110 too, it seems. Can anyone make recommendations of good places for a modestly geared 110 rogue to get charms for the bracelets?
Thank you
Why this? We can fly at level 60.
My low levels want seasonal fun. They have no fun rest of year. Some of them have been low level for 10 years!