Lotus picking teleport hack, YouTube Video, time to find a new game?

Sweaty try hard who wants to hoard lotus and sell em for 300 a piece detected

Is something wrong with you? Other than playing retail?

You do realize the game wasn’t designed to be played while you’re sleeping, right? You do realize that Blizzard’s own EULA specifically prohibits bots and exploits, right? It’s meant to be played by people who are actually at their keyboard controlling their characters.

You don’t know this?

You do realize that bots and hacks make it harder for people who actually want to play the game to do so, and in some cases impossible, right?

You do realize that customers have a right to be upset when a company is failing to ensure their product is performing the way it was designed, right?

If you don’t, you have some problems that you should get help with.

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Here are some things that I DO realize, since that is the word dejuor for you apparently.

  1. You do realize bots make lotus cheaper. Undeniable fact. These servers have 2 to 6 times the amount of people that the original lotus spawns were intended for. The “normal players” as you put it were monopolizing lotus spawns and driving the prices so high that “normal players” couldn’t afford them by normal game means. Yeah yeah, they increased the spawn 10 months in, about 8 months too late.

  2. You do realize I don’t care that a bunch of you sweaty nerds who wanted to charge 300 to 500 for a lotus, can’t anymore. I really don’t.

  3. Bots are people too, you do realize that, right???!!!

  4. I’ve already bought enough cheap bot farmed lotus to flask for the rest of the game so I honestly don’t give a crap if they find a way to 100% banhammer bots or not. I just find it hilarious that jerks who were trying to lock down the lotus market are whining so much.

  5. LOL at “problems you should get help with”. Its a game, nerd. Go outside, jesus.

I hope your next post is as illuminating and helpful as the one before it, truly.

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‘bot’ is short for robot


/woosh what was that?? it was something that went over my head

Unless we are watching Not Quite Human or Still Not Quite Human.

Many videos pf cheats, jacks and exploits were actually filmed pff pservers

Because modern gamers for some reason think paying for things in a video game is okay. So they do it, and it provides a market to people who sell to them.

Bots are preferable to mafias and market manipulators tho.


Oh. So those actual people who farm it don’t make as much. But people like YOU don’t have to pay as much.

This game isn’t all about YOU.

It’s really a waste to converse with those who are so myopic they can’t even understand what’s better for most people and better for the game.

You’re a bad person.

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come tf on


Go away, you have no concept of anything in this game except yourself


Just ignore awful people.

It’s not cheaper. Few people hoard all and release small amounts at high price. We are at 140g a lotus again due to this fly hacking bots thing.

It was down to 70 when bots couldn’t control it after last update.

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What does CGI has to do with WoW Cheaters?

time to find a new game?

When you can find a game that is massively multiplayer, has a currency-based economy, and millions of players who enjoy playing it 
 that manages to prevent all bots and hacks and currency-selling, please come back and spread the word.

The bots do not make lotus cheaper, because they are a fixed supply (inelastic supply). Every lotus will be harvested and every lotus will sell, and it’s solely the size of the demand that sets the price for lotus. The bots simply take lotus profit from regular players. The botters harvest the lotus, sell them for gold, then sell the gold for real money to the players who then use the gold to buy more lotus. That’s the sticky bit of corruption here – game resources are exploited for real money instead of traded in the game by normal players.


LOL you need to take a break and get your priorities in order. Who knew that a commodity in a 15 year old elf simulator would piss people off so bad. You should put down the twinkie and keyboard and go outside some.

Prices have continued to go down for our server since the influx of lotus instead of people like you hoarding it to sell it high for naxx. If people like you and their entire guilds didn’t abuse the camps in the first place

Anyway, you would be monopolizers have fun. Im gonna go buy a lotus for cheap. Or not. Who cares. It’s a video game.

I’m not sure what you read? I have owned a single lotus in my whole wow career that I picked myself and sold on the AH immediately. I was just talking about basic economics.

I disagree with one part – a true skeptic does not believe things they are “told”. People often lie. Politicians often lie.

I agree that a true skeptic believes things that they see.

But that does not apply to this game. We are not seeing real things. You have never seen an orc. There is no orc. The computer generates an image of an orc for you to fight. The entire game is like that.

So I am not “seeing” a real person teleport, and I don’t know if what my screen shows (teleporting) matches what the person’s screen shows. I know the game is bugged, but I don’t know what part.