Lost my place in 8.3 questline

I did the scenario and grabbed by artifact amulet in the chambers of heart. I went to do dungeons for a couple days. now i have no idea where to go to continue the questline. I don’t see any quests in uldum, vale, or anywhere. I can’t seem to go back to the chamber of heart. Please help. So frustrating.

You need to figure out which forum you are in first.


just let them get troll. Jesus why every body as to be so serious

You have to do the full intro questline from 8.2 to unlock Nazjatar in order to return to the Chamber of the Heart, which will in turn allow you to start 8.3. Also, wrong forum.

Is posting BFA posts in wow classic a meme now or something?

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What’s 8.3?

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very good job