Lost Entire Account History Prior to June 3rd

because its character specific :stuck_out_tongue: this character is battlemaster but has no posting history

No I went to Technical Support instead. Thanks for pointing this out to me. I posted here just to see if anyone else had this happen to them.

That still doesnt explain why this characters posts end on June 2nd in that profile. And when I view my own profile I can see nothing before June 3rd. Same character.

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yes it does, go to your character selection and login onto your silverhand void elf with the green mog and you’ll see all your posts prior to june 3. humor me and post on it :stuck_out_tongue:

unless you mean to say that charcter no longer exists and you’d been posting on it even though the avatar was wrong in which case that’s blizzard servers specifically having an issue with updating data from a character

(by wrong avatar i mean you’ve been posting on a toon that hasn’t had its mog updated in months for example)

As we have said, they are name and server specific. Which is why the first question asked was if you changed servers lol

The forums pull from your armory, not your actual character ID. Ehlissa-Whisperwind is an entirely different character than Ehlissa-Silver-Hand

That character is not on Silver Hand any longer. You are missing the entire scope.

Which is what I have now noticed. But the problem I was having in coming to that conclusion was the fact that the move occurred in April but did not present itself until June 3rd.

Yeah sometimes it takes the armory a while to update.

Your forum account is attached to each character.

If I switch to a different character on these forums, my posts on this character will not be visible and my post count will be entirely different.

I think your understanding of how this forum works is faulty.

Yeah, given the issues with the armory over the course of… well… forever I was starting to assume this was a technical glitch rather than procedure.

then yes thats an armory issue and it just updated for you on june 3rd. you might have noticed a couple of threads over the last months about people complaining their mogs werent updating - your profile likely got caught in whatever issue the servers were having at the time and it just “fixed” itself june 3rd, and somehow it just created a whole new profile because probably when it tried to update it realized the data wasn’t the same so when it did the compare old data to new it went :woman_shrugging:

Right, exactly the issue. So see bringing this issue to the community saved me weeks of waiting for a reply from Support.



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