Lor'themar spoilers

He implies it after Baine’s arrest. He talks about how hard she is making it to stay united.

Rokhan siding with Thrall isn’t really surprising, since Rokhan was once Thrall’s most trusted scout and Darkspear tend to be loyal to Thrall in general.


On the plus side, they gave Lor’themar that kickass new sword from his concept art. Looks great, even has a cute golden phoenix/falcon head on the pommel.


Who knows, remember this is still on the PTR and thus not 100% set in stone. Yet.

Yeah, it wouldn’t be hard to guess which side Rokhan’s loyalties would fall or the Darkspear in general. Frankly, I will be pretty curious who will take Sylvanas’s side. The issue is that pretty much anyone who is gets thrown under the bus.

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Sweet, so I had to kill horde soldiers to help Baine free Derek and now I have to kill loyal horde faction members to free Baine.

Nice. :ok_hand:


dont you love how dumb it is


king’s honor, friend.


Aside from the forsaken the only Horde leader whos shown even some support for Sylvanas recently would be Gey’herah…? The mag’har leader. I’d say Blizzard wouldn’t use up a new character like that so quickly… but then i remember Zaela existed. So who knows.

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Yeah, it wouldn’t be hard to guess which side Rokhan’s loyalties would fall or the Darkspear in general. Frankly, I will be pretty curious who will take Sylvanas’s side. The issue is that pretty much anyone who is gets thrown under the bus.

Gallywix might make it out OK.

I suspect Gallywix could ritually murder several major characters on an Old God altar and still somehow make it out a faction leader next expac.

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You bring up an interesting point.

In X Men, many mutant relatives can’t hurt each other with their powers. Black Tom and Sean Cassidy. Cyclops and Havoc. So they resort to fists.

It would be kind of funny if Geyarah stood beside Sylvanas, and absorbed Thrall’s magic blows, to the shock of everyone. Then she totally takes him out of the fight as they bare knuckle brawl.

She beats him down proper and the Horde gets back in line.

i have a funny feeling that wont happen

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Looking through it briefly, that’d be Rommath’s opinion of the matter, but it’s not stated at all anywhere.

Kk now that I´m on a short vacation thanks to Easter -and that leaving the game for a couple weeks did me some good-, I think I´m prepared to address the disaster that is the -apparently only available for both factions- War Campaign.

Personally, I don´t see the issue with Lor´themar giving the middle finger to Sylvanas (I mean ffs people, they have been on bad terms since his leader´s short story… reinforced again and again in Tides of War, War Crimes, MoP dialogue, Before the Storm and even aknowledged by Sylvanas herself on all those media). I think by some miracle devs realized their -excuse me- retarded explanation about Lor being “the most supportive Horde racial leader on Warchief Sylvanas” in Legion was the most OOC thing ever for the character (I mean dudes/dudettes… this is the guy that literally pooped the happy party in the ending dialogue of SoO suggesting Sylvanas was to be monitored and probably an agent for some no-good development towards the goals of Warchief Vol´jin). I´m happy they somehow gave back some consistency to his characterization and development.

NOW, on regards to the dialogue involding him per se… as Hackbrew so kindly pointed in another thread (I´m not 100% sure, but I think it was on DiF´s), it´s… weird. Indeed, the Forsaken were the most supportive out of all the Horde races and it´s simply ridiculous to portray him as giving more weight to the Orcs/Trolls/Tauren that aren´t even depicted in the in-game questing (heck, they´re barely aknowledged in side material like Garrosh´s short story). I do think Lor´themar´s dialogue in regards to this needs to be polished a little bit more (I love Hack´s suggestion… personally I´d only add some “and after some really thought years together, the whole of the Horde has only proved their support to Quel´Thalas” to his own “I will never forget Sylvanas´support but her current madness threatens to end us all” phrasing). His dialogue post Aszhara raid needs to be polished too (he´s too much “muh hunur” trigger happy there, I´d appreciate a more pragmatic stance coming from him and less submissive regarding Thrall and Sadfang).

Also, I´d love for him to be portrayed as really annoyed over Jaina being present for Baine´s rescue and killing more Sunreavers -I mean I hate the fact that the current scenario makes Lor´themar indirectly pull a “the purge of Dalaran was a legitimate military target” fiasco on his otherwise concise characterization (he simply shouldn´t be condoning nor ubber forgiving on Jaina et al killing his subjects, period).

In regards to the Sunreavers… oh boy. A disaster of epic proportions (though the 2 versions for that especific dialogue leaked on wowhead makes me think the first version is for ally players and the second for Horde ones); as disgusting as Nelf players being forces to stand Sadfang is us Belf players killing an innocent Sunreaver (and yes people, go back and read again… he never says “we just followed orders back then”, he says the Sunreavers that just followed orders as in “them others”) to defend Jaina (our raid boss as of 2 secs ago). If Golden pretends (cause sorry, but this Jaina white washing has the disgusting grubby fingerprint of Golden all over it) to make her self insert (yes, self insert, you read well. Right now the coddling done to Jaina reached the same ridiculous proportions as Nathanos´one reached in 8.1) discard her own crimes as if they never happened, the least her and the other writers can do is to properly villain bat the poor Sunreavers in that particular portion of the scenario (and by this I mean make them proven Garrosh loyalist… this way at least Lor´themar´s apparent passive acceptance on their murder will look less idiotic).


Nani? When did that happen?

Prologue. She moans about "him not being his friend -or what she considers a “friend”- anymore…

Aethas was already a member of the Council of Six during ItSotS. We know this because Aethas mentions Dalaran having already been moved to Northrend, a ritual which Aethas and the Sunreavers were a part of.

Aethas wasn’t asking to readmission to Dalaran- he was already one of its leaders, he wanted to formalise an alliance between Quel’Thalas and Dalaran.


So if we agree that this sucks for the alliance and the horde, then why is this dumpster fire of scenario is happening this way? shouldn’t we boycott the forums?

Why it’s not like blizzard reads them.

I think they might. Or, at least they might read GD, instead of here specifically. They’ve said they don’t let negative feedback affect the overarcing narrative, so they presumably have to be reading negative feedback somewhere.