Lore Confusion - Sylvanas Trailer (spoilers)

But in the cinematic she says she would never do that… so how is this not mind control again? This is so extremely confusing.

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No its not really. Did she look at any stage like Anduin, who is obviously mind controlled? No she didnt. Certainly she was ‘mind influenced’ but thats a different thing. She believed she was doing what was best for everyone and she was obviously, to use an old say ing, not in her right mind. Because the person she’d been before death would never have rationalised things that way, and that was what was shown in the cinematic; the part of her soul that had been missing. It was an unconscious imagery as her new-rejoined soul was trying to come together and work things out. And the part of her that would never have done that was providing insight that she’d not had before.

It would not be a very pleasant awakening to realise she was both terribly guilty and had been terribly duped.

No, that’s why this is confusing to me. Anduin is very obviously not in control of any of his actions… he cannot make his own decisions. They made that crystal-clear for me, as the player.

Sylvanas is… not so simple. In the cinematic the “good” side of her is fighting with the bad side of her over burning Teldrassil… so she’s clearly not in control but is aware of what’s happening. However, when she heard “serve” she was able to fully control her actions, even before receiving the rest of her soul, because she realized she had been duped.

So “evil” her is still somehow self-aware, but “good” her isn’t?


Fanfictions don’t make sense.

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So it was Ranger General Windrunner explaining to Saurfang that they would never destroy Teldrassil, but Banshee Queen Windrunner who gave the order to destroy it?

So basicallly… she’s The Hulk?

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Dont be confused by the parts about the burning. Ranger General Sylvanas was not in her head during the burning, she was just damaged Sylvanas acting on her belief that it was ‘necessary’. The cinematic wasnt a memory so much as what was happening at that moment as she lay there comatose on the bed with the others standing around.

Its not really a matter of good self and evil self. As I said the best example is the brain damaged person who has part of their brain turned off. When she is effectively reset back to having a complete soul, as she was when she died, then the soul becomes one again. The story you see is her brain coming to terms with that via this conversation. A bit like dreaming where your subconscious sorts out waking issues by having odd dreams. The ‘good’ part, if you call it that, wasnt around because Zovaal had it stored away.

My question is that if the Jailer knew Sylvanas was going to eventually turn on him why did he bother keeping her alive?

Wouldn’t it of been more tactically sound to eliminate Sylvanas therefore denying us the knowledge of his plans?

None of this makes any logical sense for Sylvanas or the Jailer.

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It doesn’t need to be logical to be entertaining.

The story is so all over the place in this game, I stopped caring about it years ago. It constantly contradicts itself.

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Please do yourself a favor and don’t pay attention to the story, it will only confuse and irritate you at how ridiculous it is at this point.


If you thought that Lore was going make sense with the current writing team…I have some prime swamp land in Florida for you.


Redemption do not exist.


Doesn’t she literally say in the video that she agrees she should face the consequences of her actions despite this?

Am I the only one? Am I hallucinating again?

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Yes she does and that is why I keep think people only get part way through and come into GD to rage before seeing that part


Pretty much exactly this. I’m not usually one to point at "Insert usually wildly theoretical or even outright clickbaity wow content creator on youtube’ like some posters do, but in this case Taliesin’s analysis on the Shattered Legacies cinematic perfectly illustrates how so many people apparently completely missed the entire point of it. (That Sylvanas WASN’T MIND CONTROLLED by the Jailer and that there is NO ‘good Sylvanas/bad Sylvanas’ since that obviously just soared over a shocking amount of peoples’ heads.

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ5Nr4x2OLc

I mean, I freely admit to being highly bitter about the direction they took her story in recent years, and the whole notion that ‘she was mind controlled and/or they were going to use the soul fragment as a get out of consequences free card’ is frankly exactly what I thought they were going to do with Danuser at the helm, but I was pleasantly surprised that they AREN’T doing that.

I believe that the story is trying to touch on the concept of the manifestation of the unconscious mind. If someone were to extract all the parts of ‘you’ that humanized you and made you good, leaving behind rage, hatred, contempt, envy, or any other traits that society shuns and demonizes, then would not become a demon yourself? But the thing is that everyone has these parts of themselves within. We’re all capable of evil. All you need is the right conditions to enable that undesirable side of your mind.

However what happened with the Shadowlands is that they can’t tell such a nuanced story if they keep trying to do this “we gotto keep things mysterious over 3 expansions!!!” Psychological stories need a lot of set-up and emotional investment to execute properly.

Otherwise most people are going to look at it like “what is even going on” and the people who somewhat get it and are going to go “well that’s just stupid.”

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You mean things they have spent the last 10 years killing in the player base?

They did it with the stonewright. In 9.0 she was one of the original 7 Venthyr, alongside the Curator and Renethal. But in 9.1 she was made into one of the first mortal souls sent to Revendreth for atonement and was also a night warrior. Who went on a murderous rampage

And the way they made that retcon is a bit silly as well. Like the Curator, someone who has lost most of her memories because of the torture she got while she was in the maw… does a “well actually” to Renethal.


Which is kinda funny when you think about it. Blizzard tries to “borrow” ideas from rival companies and products… only to fail. Meanwhile a company like Bungie “borrows” ideas from Blizzard and makes them work. Savathun and her schemes mirrors that of N’zoth. Right down to “taking” a dragon to do their bidding (although Savathun’s brother Oryx took Riven first but did nothing with her). WoW’s third expansion was Cata which had a dragon as the main antagonist. Forsaken was Destiny 2’s third expansion and had a dragon as the main antagonist. Coincidence? I think not! However Bungie had improved with their story telling while Blizzard has regressed.

And this raises a major problem with blizzard. They seem to write based on the “rule of cool” and only what they consider to be “cool”. It is why they were hyping up Zovaal so much (and still do) even though he ended up being a nothing burger of a villain. Denathrius was a better written antagonist than Zovaal. Not to mention that by including Zovaal as the “true mastermind behind everything” and making it that Kel’thuzad was his lackey the whole time, it causes some inconsistences with certain character motivations.


The Jailer must have really cared about the fate of the Forsaken as Sylvanas was desperately trying to find a way to perpetuate their race for a good chunk of her Banshee unlife.

These writers are GoT season 8 level clowns.


And Frostmourne…