Hello Everyone,
I am looking for a casual/medium Roleplay guild focused around lordaeron. I have a an alt that I am leveling that I would like to bring in and possibly my secondary main if it goes well.
I am a 20 year vet who started out on Emerald Dream and Roleplayed for 15 of those years. I have three kids now which makes it difficult to Roleplay as much as I used too so, I’m looking for something where I can occasionally jump in.
Also, my character is a Protection Paladin and I would like to learn to tank. I have played DPS since vanilla and im venturing out. My story for my character is under construction so, hopefully I can get by without an in game interview.
If no Lordaeron guild, something similar may work.
Thank you.
Sorry I don’t have anything helpful to say… just relate to being old and loving Lordaeron. Used to main RPing as Lordaeron human, played in several guilds, initially was a derpy Argent fan, eventually became a CHAD SCARLET CHAMP, now just feel like an old man who can’t make sense of anything anymore haha.
Heya! Here’s the only Lordaeon focused guild I know of with a website:
[League of Lordaeron]
As much as we all love the fallen kingdom, there’s not much RP for it unless you want to dabble in the various Scarlet guilds as well. This is the most stable, and drama free…I think, Scarlet guild I know of, there are many more but uhh…well Scarlets are not my cup of tea so I tend to just watch every forum post of theirs become engulfed in the white hot flames of rageposting:
[Scarlet Conclave]
There are various, smaller guilds that may be Lordaeron focused but I do not remember their names. If I happen to catch one of their guildies in the Tram, I’ll get them to confess a link before my army of rats consume them.
Ps: replace _ with : for the web links to work. I am too lowly a poster as to post links on the forums.
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I was going to say League of Lordaeron. Brighthaven is also another Lordaeron based. Yes they side with the Alliance but they’re based in Lordaeron. Eastern Pinnacle is another one too.
Northweald Dominion is another though they’re more based in Northrend. And I think The Hallowing Lands is too…
There’s also the Council of Lordaeron which is a meeting of various walks of life hailing from Lordaeron that meet. I think you can find Adeim’s thread somewhere on this forum.
While not a guild per se, there is a NEUTRAL RP group that is primarily focused on governing Lordaeron post-war, called the Eternal Court of Lordaeron. It is a mix of living and not-living lords and citizens engaged in rebuilding Lordaeron under the current canon leadership. It’s not for everyone, but it’s probably the deepest dive into Lordaeron RP you are going to find.