Loot system NEEDING is being Abused!

Says the greedy person who wants to control every one else’s loot. :thinking:


Few issues

  1. everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Therefor its impossible to judge and measure what people find important. Players power progression means nothing to someone in it for thr Tmog. And vice versa. And since we all pay the same to play the same game, Blizzard will not list things in numerical order of importance.

  2. just because i have a piece of gear 3 ilvl higher doesnt mean the piece im rolling on isnt better. Have you ever bothered to play around with secondary stats?

  3. if being higher ilvl disqualifies me from rolling on loot, what incentive do i have to join LFR? Is that really what you want, an entire LFR raid team of 424-430s that have no idea how to do the fights and not enough gear to bulldog their way through it? 95% of LFRs are completed because of carry DPS. Even then you still have failed attempts because of people not following the 1 mechanic they put in LFR encounters

  4. no. Stop being entitled

Yes, this is spam.

Everyone present for the boss kill is eligible for loot. Your undergeared alt does not get priority.

Blizzard could “solve” this perceived issue by bringing back Personal Loot, but then people would be complaining they don’t get loot.

You’re just going to need to stop inspecting other players and deciding if you think they are deserving or not to win the loot they won.

No see you’re still supposed to join LFR out of the goodness of your heart so Bill can get get the loot he thinks he deserves.

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Sorry, that’s not abuse. If a person participated in the kill, they are eligible for loot. End of story.

How is it more equitable? Rolling against the computer vs other players isn’t any different.

You could just hit need and not inspect other players and that’s basically the same thing as personal loot.

I am sorry everyone but you all are missing the major point:

  • People are joining raids and winning Loot rolls ONLY to try to sell it back to the highest bidder.

Seriously though if you are defending the first statement with “its their right” - “pay the same” … yad yada - then you are the problem. No one wants to play a game where others can take advantage of a weak point in the system and exploit those who need.

Everything else in the post is a suggestion that I know Blizzard will never give a crap about.

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So tell me, if i win a roll.and i try to sell the loot and no one offers to buy it. What…what weal point did i take advantage of?

Never seen this personally, but you just ignore them. They’re probably trolling.

At the end of the day, you lost the roll and someone else won.

Stop inspecting other people and turn off chat if you can’t handle seeing someone else win loot that you wanted.

Lovelight - I’ve seen it several times and again as I previously posted its NOT me …

Anyways - beating a dead horse with people that have more time on their hands then they know what to do with at 3314 Posts …

Lmao - bye bye



OP, FWIW I think rolling need on an item just to turn around and sell it is a scumbag move. But… I also think everyone who participated in the kill has the right to roll need.



For the record, I absolutely loathe anyone who does this. If anyone offers to pay me for anything I won the roll for, I always turn them away. I won the thing. It’s mine. Period. On the flip side of that, I never whisper anyone and make an offer with my own gold either. However, I also feel that we need to take the good with the bad. No system is perfect. Like I said before, I’d rather have the freedom to decide what I want to do with my loot.

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OK I will just make a new alt with min requirement for LFR and only do f LFR and never upgrading any gear so I can roll need on every slot but my dps will be bad I will have little HP pool so healer will work harder and making each boss fight harder because I am doing 40k dps while doing easily 120k on my main which I will not use in LFR if I can’t roll on need on what I need.

Earning gold is part of the game. I see nothing wrong with this.

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Nothing says TROLL more than 4123 posts.

I don’t always run LFR, but when I do, I always remember to roll need on transmog.

And have all of my characters be alchemists to roll on the Codex of Ultimate Power recipe that I’ve never learned but definitely made a few million gold selling lol.

I’m sure people trying to get things like int trinkets/weapons for healing will love having to go into a raid with strength/agility/DPS trinkets/weapons. I’m sure that won’t cause any issues at all.

Note how I didn’t say I didn’t believe you, I just said I haven’t seen that.

But yes, attack the person (re: post count) rather than engaging with what was said. Outstanding move!

Working as intended. There are still too many players starting out raiding by doing LFR. Blizzard has chosen to make that first step so unpalatable, gear distribution seem so unfair, and actual raiders ie high geared players who are only rolling on loot so they can sell it seem like grifters that no new player should ever want anything to do with.

I’m not talking about LFR … I’m talking about higher end raids where people should know better but DGAF about anyone else.

i need epics to de for my enchanting addiction

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