Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

I mean they gotta keep their treadmills intact because player agency, screw everyone else though. Heck they even let a bug slip through on sun king, even after they extended the beta, they do not care about anything other than the treadmills they put in to keep us playing.

I doubt a 10 man will only get 1 piece so it’ll end up being more profitable doing 2 10 man than doing a 20

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That’s exactly what I said.

Normal and heroic raiding SHOULD BE MORE REWARDING because it’s harder! Why the hell would I struggle for hours each week against sludgefist or whatever, have to kick all the night fae warriors doing 15% less than venthyr, cause all those tears, and then expect the same amount of loot as from PVP and M+? Screw raiding, just grind M+ lol. Raiding is not respecting your time these days in wow.


normal raiding and heroic raiding for sure is not harder than pvp or high mythic keys lol

The “logical” ratio of 3 drops per 20 is the standard is a 10% chance at a drop per person.

10 man is 2 drops
20 man is 3 drops
30 man is 4 drops

Flexing between this breakpoints gives the lower, with a stacking 10% chance at higher per person.

This is pure speculation though.

Somehow I’m not surprised that they’re going to nerf the one activity in SL that actually felt rewarding lol.

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  1. it feels bad even though rationally we know it’s good that our team is stronger

  2. mythic raid spots are competitive.

Oh please punish me for doing raids Blizzard. Its Almost like you want me to play less. At this point I dont see any reason to raid at all. 4 Items for 20 players per boss seems fine to me.


4 items per boss for a 20 man seemed the most logical to me as well.

1 drop per 5 people.



Good to see the thread devolved into “which is harder content and why that content should reward more gear”.


the maw phasing isnt a bug its intended.

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Yes. This is exactly how it was designed. By no-lifers for no-lifers.

The salt and butt-hurt from the Mythic raiding community in BfA over M+ rewards was what drove this.

SL is Raiders > All.

loot is already so RNG heavy most of the time u get a useless conduit anyways this is a bad direction to take specially with no bonus rolls your just going to make people hate raiding


which can be a little annoying depending on how far you are from the port out, port back in. Had to do that today only hearth stone was on Cd so it was time for the ole Footen on the ground through the wonderous joys of mob aggro.

Yeah. I mean currently I dont see a reason beyond running for the conduits/legendary stuff.

I mean my only reason right now to go raid is to get the legendary from denathrius, but beyond that? Eh Would rather just gear through pvp, since conquest cap is kinda easy etc :slight_smile: Dont even need to do rated for it.

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Yeah at this point raiding is not something I’m going to be doing in SL at all. I haven’t set foot in Nathria yet because:

  • Normal is tuned such that covenant choice matters
  • I don’t want to be forced into a meta covenant
  • I don’t want to kick people for being the wrong covenant and spec

and now they nerf the rewards when it was already looking like a big piece of garbage.

I mean man I watched towelliee’s mythic cutting edge guild wipe on NORMAL sludgefist several times. If they can’t do it easily - I don’t have a chance.

And for everyone saying that covenant doesn’t matter you’re WRONG. Many specs are doing 15% OR WORSE than their meta covenant on certain bosses! And guess what, if you wipe you’re better off just kicking all the bad covenants and getting good ones!

This is a terrifyingly horrible system.


So, are the developers just worried that if players get to much gear to fast they will just unsub and log off?

What’s funny is depending on which thread or forum you are in all 3 gearing paths are pointing to each other saying the other one is better.

Dumb paladin, you know full well that your burst is just as insane.