Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

Now you’re gonna spend a whole month without ANY loot dropping. Hope you like Anima.


are you under the impression that everyone who raids is going to be fully kitted out within 4 lockouts?

Enable Master Looter as an option again, easy fix

That’s the thing, they can’t be similar because raiding has a major difference that none of the others source have. Yep a hard lockout. And you removed bonus loot so the difference is even more pronunced.


Cool but like, can you guys prioritize something else? Like maybe the Oribos portal in Org that has been disconnecting people for two and a half weeks now? Is that not a priority?


Things somewhat balance out.

Heroic drops higher item level gear than any spammable mythic+ source.

And for 226 gear mythic+ is hard gated to 1 item per week while the raid has actual boss drops AND a weekly item.

OK So instead of making other activities more rewarding, you decided to make raid less rewarding. Who is the smart genius guy designing all of these?


With enough grinding, you can get all slots 204 ilvl this week. Try that with heroic raiding.

Yeah good idea to nerf the one loot source that already has a week lockout.

I feel like im doing more chores than ever. I can’t imagine having an alt.

While considering this and the fact we will be getting no loot, people are going to be very unmotivated to play the game and burn out FAST.


Or you know they could just finely tune mythic raiding. Heroic should be the pinnacle for most raiders. Instead CE raiders are just hit with endless gating, grinds and resentment for playing competitively.

I would be 100% OK with this if we had ML back. Watching people begrudgingly equip 1 item level upgrades when other folks are 29+ behind feels really, really bad.


Wait until you get the exact same belt from the Great Vault 3 weeks in a row.


I know right?? It seems like it’s a 50/ 50 split in my CE guild. About half of us have a raid ready alt, the other half (myself included) can barely keep up. Alt friendly expansion my buttocks. This is the first time I don’t have an alt near raid ready. In-fact I haven’t even level’d my priest yet. It’s insane.



In the terms of a raid tier 204 is garbage. Heroic drops 213.

Would you have considered 420 gear “good” last patch? That is about what 204 is.

So it’s kinda good for early in the tier or catching up alts like I was saying.

And is a fairly high time commitment that you’re glossing over.

I guess the grand question is are you going to rollback loot that players got to match the drop rates? I really hope you don’t, but knowing blizzard I imagine the thought has cropped up.

Sigh, SL just keeps getting better and better. I’m trying to keep excited about this xpac, but it just keeps making the wrong turn.

I’ve already lost enough friends from BFA, this isn’t gonna help bring them back and keep them interested.


Oh yes it does! I’ve had it happen many times!

you fix something like this but dont ever fix bug abuse in other parts of the game for over two years abusing the same stuff, which has been reported many many times

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So… You’re going from 1/4th of the Raid getting loot per boss in a 20 player Raid to less than 1/5th of the Raid getting loot per boss. This seems like a really garbage change.