Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

was a bug? ugh…fun detected and of course NERFED

Blizzard you need more mastery on your developer gear ahahahahahahahaha

Ok I’m done

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All it does is make people want to log in less not more and even some quit after awhile of waiting.

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Wait, you mean to tell me that the ludicrously overturned raid is comparable to mythic+ and PVP? That is the most absurd thing you could have said Blizzard…

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Huh, I wonder if that’s why I got anima, a conduit, a chest piece, and legendary memory thing all off of the same boss.

3 items in a 20 man group seems pretty pathetic, honestly.

If you’re trying to emulate what made vanilla WoW good, bosses dropping fewer items isn’t going to be it chief.

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Best post ever xD

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How am I supposed to tell our raiders with families that they have to spend 10 hours in Mythic+ every week now, in addition to 10 hours raiding?

Our guild is mostly older folks with kids, we’ve always prided our selves on our ability to tell people who say “I have kids, I can’t raid” that YES YOU CAN and we’re a good place to do it. And we get Cutting Edge every tier.

What am I supposed to do? Start kicking people from the raid who can’t spend their weekends spamming M+ to gear up for raiding? Because we won’t be able to gear FOR raiding FROM raiding with changes like this.


There is a mountain of gray here in your comparisons.

10 hours for a normal and half a heroic clear is very high (normal for 1st week) and will drastically go down. Likely to full heroic in 2 hours and not even bothering with normal.

A dungeon every 30 minute, with no discussion on what key levels or time spent just leveling keys is also fairly worthless. Also doesn’t consider that heroic drops are 3 item levels higher than a +15 which not many people are doing. And considering your single key run that drops 200 (a +8) gear was a 41 minute run (over time, no key raise) maybe it’s not quite that fast?

Mythic+ produces low (normal gear is “low” for a raid tier, just not week 1) gear quickly for sure. It also is the worst system for getting many 226 items (but most accessible).

Which seems to me to be kind of the point. The 3 gear paths are meant to be different and not just have mythic+ be 5 man raids.

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Trying to make it like “Vanilla” again? Going to dumb down the raids as well so each boss only has 1 or 2 mechanics?


bad form. this isn’t classic.

It would be 1 item if it was classic.

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Gotta pretend like that race for world first matters

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The issue is, normal and heroic raiding SHOULD be more rewarding than mythic+. Raiding is a weekly event that brings groups of friends together to kill bosses and get loot. World of Warcraft’s core is based on the “play together” mindset. Blizzard has always tried to push players to reach out from their “clique” of friends and engage with other players.

Limiting loot this way does the exact opposite. What is the incentive of leading a pug raid through normal if you can just gather your crew of 4 friends and get geared up just as fast (if not faster).

Keeping normal and heroic loot drops at 5 per 20 gives players a reason venture out of their comfort zone.


Awesome, I take it the fix is to have a new average of 5?

weak leaders, weak game. its unfortunate really.

Im sure there are alot of passionate devs there but what miserable leadership.

Kotick doesnt care though! FULL SAIL AHEAD!


This mindset of not valuing the players time at all is why I am officially done with wow. The game could be so much better if you would just value player time.


It’s probably because the ‘sweet spot’ of Raiding is 20 people, and they want people to do 10-19, or 21+ member Raiding. That’s the only reason I can think of why 20-man drop was targeted so fast. There’s no way in Hell that 5 drops is “too high” for a 20-man team; To be perfectly frank that is what I as a long-time Raider have come to know and expect from it.

Please make Lord/Lady of War account wide.

OH and 3 pieces a boss for a 20 man raid? Who thought that’s a good number?

Fun detected. Must delete. Loot is already super low in this xpac. Why nerf it? Just leave the bug in.

Players of that mindset actually secretly like to see someone else deprived of something but they themselves must be the only ones who obtain it.

There’s lots of these players around than anyone could ever fathom.

These are probably the ones who gave the feedback on this.