Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

Yep they are insecure after BFA LUL.

I heard that Bobby wants a new house :rofl:

I can’t take SL seriously with this loot thing. I’ve unsubbed and will spend my gaming time in Cyberpunk until it gets fixed.

Maybe some Diablo III to get my loot fix every once in a while. At least they did loot right there.


More like they will cause those who cant keep up to feel like its hopeless to try and catch up. Im all for the meritocracy of how lots of endgame activities work, but we do need to be inclusive for those who can only play for their meagre amounts of time. Reward dedication, just not overly so.

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What’s funny is the mentality of the Developers for the longest time was by design raid or find something else to do. It wasn’t until the invention of Mythic+ dungeons and a change in direction did that mentality switch.

Hell, for the longest time the only damn thing people were clamoring on about was how they wanted heroic dungeons like what was in Cata. The difficulty was there which was a nice change. Instead we got Mythic+ dungeons, with a side order of raider Io for a little player exclusion sprinkled on top.


They are fixing those as well slowly.

Thing is if they changed drops without posting there would have been a large uproar

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I guess we can drop the “raid or die” mentality from SL.

No, they want gear rates to be equal. If natharia was faster then M+ dies.

God forbid 25% of the raid gets an Item they could use…

This is just ridiculous, they lazy approach to trying to stretch /timeplayed metric is insane.

Reward effort and work, and that is with gear.


Ah yes, hundreds of items you just threw away or just completely ignore as they drop.

Just like BfA.

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Better to have too much gear…than getting no gear…


Going off what I read from the Mythic+ players on these forums it would seem the inevitable end is near.

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Yeah cause for players who don’t care about meta specs raiding is dead lol.

What do they want me to do, wipe for hours on some boss and tell my group “oh sorry guys I guess we just need more gear” or just switch my covenant to the one that’s doing 15% more damage? So much for “Balance”. Venthyr warriors doing 15% more DPS than NF or NL by warcraftlogs. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…

and then on top of that they’re like “oh sorry guys it’s dropping too much loot” lollllllllllllllllllllll

I mean classic currently lives by the slow drop loot model.

They’re doing fine. Blizzard is just trying to revert back from the too much loot it had in the past.

Tbh I would rather have too little than be flooded with trash.

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Yeah that’s fair. Everything is killing M+, everything is killing raids, everything is killing pvp. Nothing going to live anymore other than world quests.


Classic is “fine” …sure.

and you have classic for that. People like getting power and making their chars better and should not be relegated to weeks without an upgrade because they can only do M+ and thats dropping one to two pieces…


“We accidentally had a bug that helped the players, so we fixed it.”

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“Stop being rewarded lmao”

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Well, we can’t have to much loot dropping. That’s just not fair.

I think Blizzard might have mad cow disease.


There are other models then just making everything a loot pinata to fix that.

I do agree that there needs to be a back up model like in TBC, Wrath, and Cata were you build currency for doing content that you can then use to purchase something.

So even if you don’t get anything you’ll still be able to work towards stuff.