Looks like the GDKP ban is here to stay

They do ban bots and gold buyers.

well they are doing a poor job. Looking for perma bans, not 7 day bans

I’m looking for a million dollars but haven’t found that either.

Good! Now its time to auto ban any gold trades over 100g and limit mailing of gold to 1x per week.

After that make all boons cost 1k gold a pop.

how soon until the game is unrecognizable once punishments like this are implemented to combat something Blizzard just refuses to put resources into stopping?

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the playerbase can stop buying gold but something tells me daddy needs to jump in and ground some people :wink:

It’s called permanent bans, not the game breaking idea you suggested

They won’t perma people for 1 offense.

People just make new accounts. You have no clue how botting actually operates as a multimillion dollar business.

We will just ignore your ideas from now on.


Another sunrise, another day where I log in to World of Warcraft and I see not a single player doing GDKP. Life is great , awesome game :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Every day without GDKP is a blessing.


What will that matter? If people are perma banned for buying gold then the risk for doing so is far too much for anyone with a long time account who is invested in the game. By being soft on the buyers with 7 day bans they know that the risk against their account is so minimal that there is still incentive to risk buying gold

Now if the entire population of the game is scared to buy gold out of risk of losing their account they have invested in then there will be no demand for gold buying

So the gold farmers can make as many accounts as they want because it won’t matter. The demand will have been squashed because the risk in doing so is so severe

EDIT: Blizzard had a real genuine opportunity to send this message to the entire community when they should have banned Sodapoppin when he was caught buying gold, but they went soft.


GDKP still banned.

Just wanted to let you know.

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You mean back to their guild raids and just not raiding on alts? lol

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People will just buy it on alt accounts and launder it through GDKPs like they’ve been doing for the past 5 years? Are you really this clueless?

Yeah okay buddy lol

Not my fault you don’t understand they ban for GDKPs.

Go make one and find out bro.

But you won’t cause you are scared and just a big talker.

dont sweat too much youll get a heart attack

go back eating your cheetos

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Mad bro? GDKPs are banned still.

I’m chill with the GDKP ban but this topic seems unnecessary.

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