Looks at the upcoming class changes

Yeah but I bet the Mages will tell you it’s real fun. Which is why I stab them so much. Because they insist on Blinking around joyfully.

man mages will tell you it’s necessary, more would be needed, and that :rofl:in general their kit is lacking :rofl:

there’s a thread around here where they complain they can’t get ice nova and ring of frost at the same time

you can’t trust those guys :rofl:

I rather see Acro return then broken stuff like 4X grapple exist.

But this is BlizZard where dev A does one thing and then dev B does something else to contradict dev A.

They do no communicate with each other and they work on the same team and same company. LMAO.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Right? Like look at Ret Paladins. They’re completely removed from all other design philosophy.


Person A: It’s XYZ’s Fault!
Person B: Show me your evidence.
Person A: You’re a suck up! You love XYZ!
Person B: No. XYZ is indeed bad. I just don’t know who is to blame. Someone is, but I’m not convinced it’s who you say it is.
Person A: You are just a suck up and give blizzard too much credit!
Person B: sure…whatever man.


I really like grappling hook on my rogue, but I dislike that there’s times where it says “no path available.” It’s a grappling hook. Why is this an issue…?


Wow that’s a really generous representation of what you’ve stated here, and also a pretty big misrepresentation of mine since I’ve not indulged or engaged in blaming devs.

I have no problem blaming the devs.

You own this mess dear devs.

Fix it!

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I can’t take anyone seriously, mainly that guy and the one Pandaren, that keeps defending the devs…if we even have a dev for our class.


hes the intern making the rogue changes.


Rumor has it that our class dev appears in the Class Discord once during the lunar eclipse.


Rumor has it that the tablet pruner is back.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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what the heck does this mean huh?

It means the devs need to do their job.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

what “job” do you want them to do with vague wording like “tablet pruner”

You are waiting to see how 4 grapples pans out? Do you remember burst of speed? It’s gonna be so dumb.

We’re going to wait to see how many grapples of the four you’re actually going to get.


Oh I do remember Burst of Speed! It was so dumb. Especially with stealth reducing it’s energy cost so low you could literally use it for 100% up time without losing energy meaningfully.

No way 4 Hooks will be that bad…right?

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4 Hooks is going to be better than Burst of Skill.

When it works haha.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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I personally don’t think the Rogue developers exist, their talent trees are unimaginative, boring and makes little to no sense.

Maybe I’m wrong and they exist, but I think it’s someone who is the primary dev for Warriors and put all their effort into that class while giving Rogues the short end of the stick zero effort.

But again prove me wrong.