Hey hey! Are you just fed up with the state of WPVP? I don’t know about you guys, but I was expecting a whole lot more small scale pvp, and what I got really wasn’t that.
But… Just whining on the forums- that’s not going to fix it.
I have been contacting as many alliance players as I can, as well as horde players in hopes of setting up predetermined matches in low-traffic areas. The goal is to get some good fights, really. I miss arenas, and I’m sure BG’s will be fun but they’ll never really be the same as small fights. That and they’re 15 days away. I feel like it doesn’t have to be that way though.
So if you’re interested, please let me know either here, in game, or you can contact an alliance player named gankssuck by in game mail. I’ll mail you back my battle.net ID so we can set this stuff up.
I do have a discord, but I want to get some fights in first before really bringing people in to preserve it a bit.
Thanks for reading!