Looking to re-roll from Heartseeker


I am looking to re-roll from Heartseeker. I play Alliance and can not stand the majority of Alliance population going into Phase 2 (later this year). I am looking for a more “balanced” server, but also a good community, plenty of raiding, and, of course, WPvP. I hear a lot of good stuff from this server. I wanted to hear some thoughts from both factions.

I am fine with rolling Horde or Alliance.

Thank you!


Hi and welcome.

I will share my experience with you:

Alliance side
Raiding: There are two large guilds with multiple MC raids going. There are many smaller guilds that have cleared Rag and Ony as well. There are also many MC pug’s happening on a near daily basis for guilds that don’t have enough members to raid themselves. It’s a healthy place to raid, absolutely.

WPvP: Most of the level 60 PvP currently happens inside BRM (Blackrock Mountain) on a daily basis. Alliance have forged 40 many raids to Ratchet, Orgrimmar, and other cities. I can see this ramping up A LOT for phase 2. There are a lot of eager players wanting to PvP.

Class Needs Alliance Side:
I’d say we’re short on Druids and Warlocks. Perhaps Rogues as well, maybe someone else could speak on that.

Horde Side
Raiding: There is one guild that has MC on farm from what i’m told with multiple raids. Otherwise, horde are limping into Molten Core (also what i’m told from a few horde players).

WPvP: Horde are definitely active in WPvP, and have raided major cities multiple times including a recent successful 40 man raid on Hillsbrad.

Class Needs Horde Side

Economy and Faction Balance:
The economy is shaping up and seems healthy. Both sides have similar prices for goods! And the faction balance is maybe 45/55 in favor of alliance. I might be wrong but it’s close!!!

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This may have been true up until this last week actually, but not anymore. Multiple Horde Raiding guilds have cleared Molten Core completely as of this week, as evidenced by the half dozen posts I’ve seen on the subject on the Grobbulus subreddit as each one accomplished it over the last several days.

The guild I’m with, Kindred, managed our first Rag kill on Monday and then our first one night MC clear & second Rag kill on Tuesday. To be honest, the biggest thing holding us back these last couple of weeks was the Quintessences and having to stop at 8/10 in order to go and get enough of them to spawn Domo and and Rag. As of this upcoming raid reset, half our raid now has accesses to the Aqual Quintessence and we’ll likely be clearing MC in about 2 and a half hours or less from now on I imagine.

Honestly, as a Horde Player, before reading your post I would have said that it’s the Alliance that seems to be struggling to limp into MC. Based solely off of my own experiences, I have yet to encounter a single Alliance Raid going into MC at prime time on a Tuesday. There have been some small groups of Alliance WPvPing there, but no full raids at the portal elf dude from what I saw. It’s always been mostly Horde hanging out and summoning down there, at least when we’ve been entering the raid.

Wondering if we’re just missing each other because there’s still two layers?

EDIT: Ony is also straight up on farm, to the point that we’re probably going to be splitting into two raids next week to double up on our Ony loot. Kindred’s clear of her yesterday was something like a 15 minute affair from taking the FP to portalling out, where going to the dungeon from Orgrimmar and clearing the trash, as well as distributing the loot took longer than the fight itself.

But then the most difficult thing about Ony is getting attuned for her heh.

It really just depends what you are looking for. There are now 4 discords and 3 newspapers, and a great RP-PVP mapmaker serving the community. Trying to keep up the community PSA is a daily affair as more people add events.

Honestly, from what I have seen, both sides have some wonderful folks to run around with and nothing you can’t find on this server.


It sounds like you’ve found your new server. Congrats and welcome, it is great here. Both factions are pretty balanced and there are a plenty of great guilds on either side.

I’d recommend you download trp3 (the roleplay addon) and add a bit of RP description to your character. It’s an extra layer of fun, which a lot of us participate in.

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Great to hear Beckett! It’s nice that more horde guilds are picking up steam. Alliance side has cleared Rag with multiple different PUG groups going on different days. Some raids don’t start until Saturday in fact.

Not quite…I’ve spent my entire weekend, literally, on the character creation screen and watching YouTube videos. I can not decide what faction/race/class to play. I have very bad OCD.