Looking For Social/Leveling Guild

My sister and I are returning players coming from Malganis and wanna find a guild to play and chat with. Hit me up!

Delusional Heroes ~~ A laid back, aotc focused raiding guild looking to recruit for 10.2, Resto druid or Holy pally, DH, mage, or any acceptional players. We raid Tuseday and Thursday 7-9:45pm EST.
Btag= Crylose#1277…
our guild talks mostly in discord but you 2 are welcome to join us

Sick Society (area 52) is a retired raiding guild with experienced leadership and we are looking to build into a casual/social/leveling guild. We are very friendly and we do a little bit of everything. Whisper one of us for an invite <3

We are currently seeking skilled DPS and dedicated healers to strengthen our raid core for progression in Heroic content. Mythic+ enthusiasts and casual players are also welcomed to join our ranks. We were originally located on Stormrage, but transferred over to Area 52 for a fresh start. The plan currently is to build our core up to around 25 players to push into mythic after completing heroic.

Progress: 8/9 Heroic

Raid Schedule:
Tuesday and Thursday
8:00 pm - 11:00 pm EST
Alt Raid on Mondays

For inquiries, contact B: Keling#1988 D: Raddasan


DTMB is a (3/9)M We’re looking for Raiders for our second team Friday/Saturday night from 8-11pm EST. This will be a AOTC/Mythic casual focused group. Msg for more info! Disc: mooney4629 Btag:Mooney#12761
Application: https: //apply. wowaudit. com/us/area-52/dont-tease-me-bro/main-roster?preview…

Balanced is a social 18+ gaming guild seeking more members for Raiding through Normal then Heroic (Wed/Thu from 9-11pm EST), Mythic+ & casual leveling. Msg for more information. Thanks.

Hey there, not sure if you are still looking for a home, but check us out [[A52] <Glorious Purpose> AOTC/KSM Driven Guild | Casual M Raiding | LF Heals/DPS]. We are open to players of all lvl and skill :slight_smile: