Looking For Raiding Guild

We have a small group of veteran players who are looking for a raiding guild that is looking for a Holy Priest, Mage, and Prot Warrior. We are available from 9pm-12am CST Fri/Sat. We are open to being either Horde or Alliance. If anyone is looking please let me know ASAP. Thank you!



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y’all don’t know what server yet? I wanted to get my name reserved today when they come up but not sure which server to choose.

hit me up on discord CosmosTV#6965

Hey! We are planning on raiding 3 nights a week 8-11pm cst. Mon, wed, and fri. I know this only sort of works for you, msg me on discord for more info if you’re interested. Magedaddy#4559

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discord info? wouldn’t find you when I searched your tag.

Hello Starlin,

I’m running a Classic WoW guild on horde pvp based in US EST time. We plan to raid from 8pm to midnight (Hard stop) on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Our hours are just slightly off of what yours are. But I figured that it may be a good fit, so it was worth it to reach out.

Abit about us, I’m 28, in marketing, and most of our core needs to be up for work the next day. The guild name is going to be Dead Weight, where the only real rule is try your best to not be carried. I intend to run it as a casual-one shot raids guild. So far everyone in the guild that I’ve recruited has a ton of experience in WoW, and classic wow private servers. I have 21 people in the guild so far, and another few skilled would really round us out.

Loot will be done as transparent loot council with a big spreadsheet sort of showing you what you will probably get when depending on drops, but ultimately loot council will decide. It will be me and my co-guildleader with a dps officer, a healing officer, and then a random rotating raider ranked player as the deciding vote.

We will be doing Pvp events and general greifing in our offtime, because what is all that gear for if not to make the alliance unreasonably mad?

If you are interested, please message me here or on discord! losefast #6123

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Hey! Based on your raid schedule I think that your group would be a good fit for our guild. We are in need of the classes that you have posted. Here is our guild forum and you can join our discord to read more on what our guild is about. Happy Hunting!!

Afternoon! We have a solid group of returning players that were Top 50 US ranked in Vanilla-BC, and turned into RL friends. We are looking to round out our ranks, if you are interested in an “older” group or raiders, give us a shout.


Hey Starlin, we’re a newly formed Alliance guild on Whitemane seeking to build out our roster with mature, PvE focused players looking to clear content while also achieving balance with outside commitments. Below is some general information about the guild. Check out our discord or message me directly with any questions!

<Dad Club> NA - Alliance - PvP - Whitemane Server - Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 PST - Loot Council

https:// discord.gg/h2AqqBC

Here you go [H] Guild LFM's Where every Member Currently Taking Votes on Everything:

We look like a good fit for your group! You can hit us up on discord.

Infernal is recruiting. We are east coast based. We are going Horde on the Thalnos server. Our age group is 24 - 50. Our raid times match up almost exactly to your times, however we are kind of leaving it a little more open. For example our raid times are Friday and Saturday evenings. It will be more concise as players hit 60. Check out our post and get back to me if you think we’d be a good fit :slight_smile:

Add me on Discord Achilles#4076
Add me on Battlenet Achilles#13238