Looking for Raiding Guild on Illidan

Looking for a raiding guild on Illidan that works with my work schedule. I get home at 8pm Central.

I’m a 248 Demo Warlock and a 247 MM Huntard

hey bb

Looking for new players to fill out our raiding team. Currently we are 10/11n pushing for AOTC
We are in need of the following.

R-DPS- Warlock/Shammy/Boomkin/Mage

M-DPS- Warrior/Rogue/Shammy/Monk

Heals- Full atm but maybe in the future

Tanks- Full atm but maybe in the future

Any and all classes/specs are welcome!

We will be raiding tues/thur 8-11pm cst time with a 5-10min break around halfway through raid night

“Feel free to add any of the officers or join our wow community https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/R9kOyDnc3nO?region=US&faction=Alliance to chat or for more info LemLock#1686 Chetaria#11739 Ammunrae#1436”

Hey there,

We are called Cypher on Illidan, we raid sat/sun at 7pm eastern, not sure if that can fit in with your schedule or not.

We are 10 normal and three heroic, moving more jnto the heroic prog now and are looking for a couple more dps to fill out the team.

Group is semi casual, like to kill bosses and have a laugh, we also do lots of keys during the week and a have a couple who like pvp as well if that floats your boat.

If you’re interested or have any questions my disc is yabigchoob#1967
