Looking for players - Quests/Chill/Leveling Etc

I’ll try to keep this short.

I’ve returned to WoW after about a year or 2 hiatus (played long before that but on another account) and just looking for players to hang out with, do quests, help level or whatever. I’m not insanely knowledgeable in WoW (last time I ever ran an instance was back when Cata was max expansion but only hit around level 40). but willing to learning more.

Anyways, I play Horde and not against starting a new character if someone wants to level together but that may be hard due to my work schedule. I can be on on Thursdays and Fridays (anytime), and Saturday - Wednesday from around 12PM-2PM PST (UTC−07:00) and then any night from 12:30AM-3AM PST (UTC−07:00).

So if you’re looking for someone to help with quests/level/or just someone to chill with you can drop your btag or ask for mine.

Also I am not currently looking for a guild, unless I create a new toon.


Hi, im looking for a leveling friend too since none of my friend plays wow. Im leveling at faerlina at the moment but im ready to start a new char somewhere else.
Not dropping my btag here but you find me on faerlina as demyra or you can drop yours.

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We are looking for more people to level and play with on Feathermoon/ScarletCrusade. We have a community as well. HoA. Unfortunately I can’t invite anyone yet. But the guild is open to all, if you’re interested in joining.

I don’t mind creating another character on your server as long as it’s cool that most my play time is two days out of the week. I can play a little everyday but not for long except on the Thursday/Friday I mentioned above. I’m just looking for some laid back people to play with so if it’s cool, let me know and I’ll make a toon on Feathermoon.

Hi I’m interested. I’m new to the game. How can we get in touch?

Hello there - I’m interested in joining!
Have been looking for an active guild on Feathermoon since I came back about a month ago!

I will try get in touch while we are both online.

I am also interested in joining a community that is okay with a new and casual player. I have played MMOs for about 20 years, and just now picking up the game. I can obviously reroll to any server for any role.

Good luck in your search!

dingusbrigade dot com

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You can either drop your btag (or I can drop mine) or you can let me know what server you play on and I can make a toon there or vice versa.

Leveling Cafe and Social Community i am always online =p

I apologize for missing all the replies. If any of you are still interested by all means add my btag can I can get you guys in the discord/community, hopefully. CrypticTales#1858