Looking for Oceanic Guild - Australia


I am an old player, playing on and off since 2006.
I am currently on Proudmoore but am looking for an Oceanic guild so that times match better to play with others.

I haven’t played since S2 but am a few weeks into s4. Was running M+10 or so back then but am finding life a little difficult this season and would like to improve.

Current main Frost Mage ilvl 493 and running M+2, also have a DH Havoc ilil 465 or so - dont play her as much.

Levelling other toons for fun but mage is my main,

Would love a guild that is friendly, helpful with people who want to learn and improve and who run mythics etc.

Thank you

MizzV #1598

HI Darkpriest - perhaps you can consider us?

Here’s more about our guild:

Certainly looking for players like you, have sent you a friends request in game to discuss more