Looking for home in TWW

Coming back from an extended break and looking for a long-term home

Looking for a normal/Heroic (please no mythic) raiding guild that is decently active in discord.

Looking raids after 9pm EST (only day I can’t raid is Sunday)

Im torn between either Warlock or Surv hunter (let me know what your team needs)

Please drop your info below!

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Hi there Elordris!

I am the guildmaster for Brain Rot Brigade, a guild on Area 52. We are a newer guild, looking for players just like yourself to fill our ranks on our way to becoming one of the best communities the game has ever seen. We are currently on raiding hiatus for S4, but looking to prep a Heroic only team for TWW. Raid times would be 9-11PM EST Tuesdays/Wednesdays. Outside of raiding, we are working on becoming a home for anyone that wants to join. A guild should be a place where people are chill and respect one another so that we can all just enjoy this game that we all love so much.

I will post our recruitment post below for you to view. I hope to hear from you!

Are you looking for a guild that takes Mythic Plus seriously while having a blast? Join No Accountability! We’re a new guild started by some IRL friends and dedicated bunch on Area 52, focused on dominating Mythic Plus until the War Within drops. Our aim? Ahead of the Curve (AoTC) every season. We will push into mythic content after hitting AoTC, with raids set for Friday and Saturday nights, 8-11pm server time. Because we are a newer guild spots are open for officers.

What We Offer:

• Serious Mythic Plus: Sharpen your skills with our experienced team.

• Consistent AoTC Clears: We’re driven to succeed together.

• Open to All: All classes and levels welcome. Tank spots for raid are full.

• Weekend Raiding: Perfect for those who love weekend challenges.

Why Join No Accountability?

• Team-Centric Approach: We believe in teamwork and mutual respect.

• Laid-back Atmosphere: Enjoy the game with chill folks who share your passion.

• We have a very active core group who are on everyday, pushing keys and hanging out in discord.

Please reach out to our GM if you have any questions or would like to join us and go into The War Within with a solid group!
Discord: GM: inosuke94
Raid lead: bigbabyjesus2112
Officer: daferal

What do you consider “Serious Mythic Plus”? I like to go up to 2k every season but thats about as far as I normally go.


I helped them start the guild, they regularly talked about getting up to 3k+.

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Yes we all plan on doing keys daily, like main focus on the guild is keys, with raids happening every week still, but want to have ppl online doing mythic plus, so nobody has to pug. Rather its baby keys helping a guildy gear, or pushing 10s and higher. im aKey stone hero on both my toons as of now, feel free to hit me up in discord to talk more, were just new and looking for active ppl. and @faehrel would still have u with us, still dont know why you left, thanks for the plug tho <3

Hi Elordris - if you are still looking we <Bloody Sundae (H)> are still recruiting for TWW. We have been around since 2007 and focus on normal, heroic, and mid level mythic plus. Oir raid times are Friday/Saturday from 8PM-11PM PST/11PM-2AM EST. We are pretty laid back and looking for more to fun people to play with.

Would you like to know more? Contact me - Storm#1965

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Invicta (US - Area 52) is a semi-hard-core, cutting-edge focused guild, formed by a group of friends who have enjoyed raiding together for many tiers. We have come together to create Invicta with the aim of strengthening our raiding core with exceptional progression-minded players. We operate on getting CE by end of tier and aim to improve our team’s speed each tier as we progress through the expansion. We’re all committed to having fun and playing to our highest potential in a respectful environment. Our goal is CE. We would love to welcome you into our community as we take on The War Within

Raid Schedule: Tues, Wed, Thurs 9.00pm-11.30pm EST
Recruitment Needs: Raiders foremost. ***M+ players are welcome and encouraged. ***

What We Provide: Cauldrons/Feasts for all raiders. Repairs during raid times. A very friendly and active environment/guild that talks and plays games with each other not only in WoW but outside of the game as well.

What We Expect: Be Respectful: Raiding can be stressful, but we’re all here to enjoy and improve our experience. Drama or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Commitment to at Least One Character/Class: This includes playing outside of raid to have your character(s) geared on time, understanding your class’s damage/healing profiles, and performing to the best of your ability.

100% Commitment: This means making raids on time, taking responsibility for deaths/mistakes, being willing to help your fellow raiders, accepting feedback, and maintaining an overall positive attitude. General Preparedness: This includes coming to raid with appropriate consumables, studying fights ahead of time, installing any required add-ons/Weak auras, and reviewing any provided raid strategy before raid time. Thank you for taking the time to read the details above. If you are interested in joining our team, please reach out to one of our officers listed below, or just say hi if you see us online!

Bnet: Matthewelmer#1616 / Discord: Bailem (GM)
Bnet: Decaf#11754 / Discord: Guuru
Bnet: Sam#15172 /Discord: Sam.17
Bnet: Brathias#1282 / Discord: Brathias

Sorry I guess you didnt see

that OR you are just spamming not reading what people are looking for. I appreciate it but no thank you

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That’s what a lot of ppl do is just spam anyone looking for guilds.

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Maximum Effort

We’re really small, but I created it like 3 days ago.

Looking for players of all roles and classes for raiding and m+ in TWW. Current member are all adults, but I wouldn’t necessarily call us mature. We’re kinda dumb. But we’re here to play hard, compete, and kill things. Super inclusive, I don’t need to see parses or links. I just need to know your gonna pull your weight.

We’re shooting for AOTC and ksm every season. No set raid days times, though I’m thinking Wednesday Sunday at 7 or 8pm PST. Flexible though.

Hey there! I’m Byndi, the GM of the guild Gnome Depot. :smile: After reading your post, I think you might be a great fit to our little family! We are currently recruiting for our AOTC team in preparation for TWW. I’m going to attach our guild page for you to take a quick look through, and if your interested… I would love to sit down and chat with you! Best of luck on your guild hunt!!