Looking for Guilds

Hey Aedrid

Nexus on Turalyon [H] (8/8H) is looking for a few more good people.

We are a guild that’s biggest priority is having fun while killing monsters. We believe that raid progression is important and want to push, but not at the cost of toxicity. We have a good raid group that works well together, but want to add just a few more good people. We want our raiders to have the right attitude to push content, but the ability to have fun at the same time.

We are a mature guild, with average age ranging in the 30s-40s. (We have many families, and completely understand real life priorities.) We spend a good amount of time in discord, both text and chat, and have a lot of fun together.

We are putting together static key group so we don’t all have to be stuck pugging anymore, and plan to push

We also spend a lot of time together doing things other than raiding, such as group farming, achievements, mount runs.

We are looking for someone who wants to have a good time in an adult environment and down content.

Our raid times are Tues/Thurs 8-11pm EST

you can contact me at taransula#1161 or on disc at Bug (ง︡’-'︠)ง#6792

Hope you find the home you are looking for!