Looking for Guild

Hey Loxs, we would love to have you a part of our community. Here is a link to our recruitment thread for all the details. My wife doesnt play, but she lets me! :slight_smile: Look forward to hearing from you. Delete Please

We would love to have you.

Hello Loxs,

I’m the GM of Vision and we’re currently looking for both raiders and casuals. We plan to raid Tu/We 7:00pm EST - 10:00pm EST. I’ve include our guild recruitment post below. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

You said open world so I assume PvP server but wanted to reply anyway.

Our guild, Grievance, will be playing on Mankrik and Pagle. We have been around for a very long time. Family friendly casual guild…I actually play with my husband! We plan to raid but it will not be for a long while after release. We are more about the journey and camaraderie than trying to rush to end game.

We will also be doing PvP, guild events, 5 mans etc.

If this sounds interesting to you you can register for our forums at grievancegaming dot com

Horde <Drive> | NA-PvP | Semi-Hardcore Raiding

What is <Drive>?
<Drive> is a North American guild focused on progressing through end-game PvE content at a reasonably quick pace. We are aiming to reach max level within 4-5 weeks of launch and will start progression rapidly after doing so. Our primary focus will be on PvE and, as a semi-hardcore guild, we expect our members to have a healthy thirst for progression.

Faction: Horde
Intended raid/play times: Tu/We/Th 8:30 PM – 12:00 AM EST
Type of guild: Semi-hardcore Raiding guild
Loot Distribution: DKP except for legendary items which will be distributed by loot council.

Why join us?

  • We have stellar communication during raids and have well-defined goals that we lay out before each raid.
  • We are very accountable towards our members. We hold everyone to the same standard.
  • We are organized with our progression; we have a system for carrying out encounters.

Why should we pick you? Additionally, our expectations of our raiding core:

  • You want to progress through raids at a reasonable pace with guys that love to banter.
  • You are prompt, organized, and provide constructive criticism.
  • You actively contribute to the welfare of the guild. This could be done through helping to gear alts, farm mats for the guild bank, research boss fights, etc.
  • You read and learn every boss fight before any attempt is made.
  • You can communicate clearly in discord.

Interested? Check out our links:
Guild Website : http:// driveguild .com/
Apply here : http:// driveguild .com/apply
Roster : http:// driveguild .com/roster
Discord : https:// discord. gg/RSkNPny

I would check us out Loxs.

Most us are now married with kids now so we get it. Contact me on discord if you have any questions.

Hello there, thought I’d extend a message in response to this looking for guild post.

Ethos is currently recruiting healers and dps. If you have any questions regarding loot or expectations don’t hesitate to ask! Our raid days are Tues / Thurs 8-11 CST. We will announce our server name either today or tomorrow before name reservations.

Very straight forward application process if interested -

Discord: Saws#8386

Reddit: Sawsy587

DM me if you have any questions / application form.

Would love to have you! We are an alliance guild on herod. Please feel free to apply on our website!

Guild Mission: To provide a fun experience during classic launch & the leveling process. Emphasis on helping each other succeed and enjoy the game while progressing towards max level.

A little about myself: I am a working father of two so I understand the need for time away from the game. I plan on making sure the guild can accommodate your schedule to the best of my ability. I’ve played WoW on and off since 2004 and am extremely excited to relive the experiences I had in vanilla.

Raid times: Projecting to be 5:00 pm (EST) Sun & Mon. Will adjust if necessary - here to make things easier for all of us.

We will have frequent guild events, repairs, and resources (mats, crafting, gear, etc). Once we have a core group at max level we will actively begin perusing endgame utilizing DKP in raids.

We expect all guild members to be polite and courteous to each other. Try to learn their classes to the best of their ability. Maintain active contribution to guild events, chat, dungeons, raids, and pvp. As well as do their best to remain punctual to raids and not leave early - if there is a conflict in time just give us a heads up so we can plan!

Feel free to visit our website (a work in progress! trying to give it a bit of a classic WoW / 2004 vibe.) Fill out an application and I’ll get back to you asap!

wowguildrage.wixsite. com/rage

Hi Loxs,

You sound like a good fit for <Weekend Warriors>, who will be rolling Alliance on Pagle and Raiding on Friday evenings from 9 ET to 12 ET. If you are interested, our primary post can be found here [A | PvE | Pagle] <Weekend Warriors> | Raids: Friday 21:00-00:00

You can also contact me on discord at Red Mage#9320

Hey, we would love for you and your wife to come check out our newly formed guild seeking to build out our community with strong players also seeking balance. Let me know if you have any questions!

<Dad Club> [NA - Alliance - PvP - Whitemane Server - Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 PST]

Discord to learn more:
https:// discord.gg/h2AqqBC

Discord: BnH247#9580 - shoot me an invite if you’re interested, sounds like we’d be a good fit if the times sync up :slight_smile:


< SFD > has a large number of folks in your age bracket, easy going, drama free. Please check us out if you have interest.

Hey you 2, I think we may be a good fit. Feel free to reach out to me on discord @ Dakota#2147 and we can talk more :smile:

Hey , I’m from Royal Authorities and we’d very much be interested in having you join us.
We’re an NA Alliance guild (Semi-Hardcore PvE, Casual RP) on Grobbulus interested in recruiting you for raid. Our time zone ranges from PST to EST with our raid times being 8:30-11:30 PM EST on Tuesday/Thursday. Our loot distribution system is Loot Council and we’re fully aware of what kind of responsibility this comes with.
If you’d like to learn more, you’re more than welcome to join the discord. If you’re interested, you can submit an application in the form.
If you have any questions you can send a friend request to Sudnep#1165 on Discord, Battle Net, or even just ask them directly on the application.
Application: forms.gle/CwYaMovbDab2D1jj8
Discord: discord.gg/Fmx9VeG

Hey it sounds like the community we’re building could be a great fit!

We’re a newly formed Alliance guild on Whitemane seeking to build out our roster with mature, PvE focused players looking to clear content while also achieving balance with outside commitments. Below is some general information about the guild. Check out our discord or message me directly with any questions!

Unity - NA - Alliance - PvP - Whitemane Server - Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 PST - Loot Council

https:// discord.gg/h2AqqBC

Hey there! Not sure what times you guys are looking at for raiding, but feel free to check us out and let me know if you have any questions!

Good luck in your search!

Infernal is going to be rolling Horde, but our age range is something like 24 - 50 and most of our players going into classic are vets! We have several couples in our gaming community in leadership roles.

Add me on Blizzard as Achilles#13238

Hey, if you’re still looking for a guild I’ll link you our discord and you can come talk if you would like! We have some couples in our guild, so you wouldn’t be alone here. <discord.gg/WgBsjJJ>

Hey! I am the GM of Versus. As the description reads, we have been established for nearly a decade and are known for the tight-knit friendly community on the recent private servers. We do have a humorous side and love to cut up and have a good time, but I strive to promote a great community and keep a positive reputation for our guild. More info and contact info in the post below! :slight_smile:

< Warcraft’s Finest > [ Grobbulus HORDE (US - RPPVP)] are looking for players to join a Guild that values player individuality at the same level as content. We expect to grow a social family as well as a raid team, so we really do have something for everyone.

Our Goals

We intend to play Vanilla with maximum fun. We aim to have a populated voice chat, nightly events and a positive attitude to players and progression. Events will consist of social questing, dungeon runs, world PvP, pre-made BG’s, raids and more!

Players are encouraged to pursue their own goals. We want you to choose a race, class and spec based on your interests. We don’t expect you to min-max your class, however, the willingness to take constructive criticism and better yourself is a must. We aim to strike the balance between getting things done and allowing player individuality. Solid experience of actual Vanilla at leadership level should enable us to accomplish this goal.

We want to foster good etiquette and spread it across the faction. If you like the idea of dungeon groups that help beginners and help each other learn, world questing that involves cooperation rather than competition and patience over pessimism then this guild is for you.

You are…

• Patient

• Sociable

• A team player


• Mature + Patient temperament

• Willingness to participate in Guild chat, Discord and Events where possible


• All classes + specs

• Old players

• New players

• Casual players

• Semi-Hardcore players

Raid Times

Raid days are Tuesdays 7PM to 10PM (PST) and Thursdays 7PM to 10PM (PST)

There will be additional content every other evening during similar times and Saturday/Sunday evening activities (ZG/AQ20).


Find me on Discord at Bergyboo#0034 the raid leader at Smurfy#9226


While RP is fully welcomed in Warcraft’s Finest; we want you to know that it will not be our primary focus. We want to ensure we attract players from all walks, but don’t want anyone to feel pressured to do something that they may not be fully interested/comfortable doing.