Looking for guild

hi there! I took a break from WoW and looking to come back to level up new characters before the new expac is out. Been playing off and on since vanilla. I play mostly during the day since i work graveyard shift for my work. hope to play with yall soon!

The Dignified on Blade’s Edge is a large guild, family feel. We raid open guild casual on Fri Sat 6-8pm central and progression raids Tue Wed 8-10 central. RBGs 4 or 5 nights a week with RBG push team 2 nights a week. Sooo many things to do on the in game calendar. Parties, raffles, old school fun things too!
Friendly folks!
Would love to have you join the crazy fam!

BNET: Stormy#1445 or Death#12773

Hey there, if interested in a social guild, why not check out CAFFEINATED CHAOS, on Alliance Stormrage? It is run by 2 of my best gal pals in game! Fun events AND an active discord!

Here is my recruitment spam:

If you’d like an invite or simply want to know more, please hmu via discord: wigglehugs

Can’t wait to hear from you, have a great day!

<3 / Gail

I would love to chat with you. We are an aotc guild that raid wed thur 9-12 est. Very active outside of discord. Hit me up on discord Bigkef#8664 if your still looking and would like to chat!!!