Looking for guild for EST raiding

This has been up for 5 days so you may have found a guild by now, but Descendants of Lore is looking for a tank so that our DPS can go back to what they do best. We are a semi casual raiding (7/8H EP) but we work to progress as far as we can, we are mostly all adults (with the exception of 1 teenage son of a member) with jobs and family. I will leave our spam below, but if you wish to talk more please feel free to add me to battlenet:

[A] Descendants of Lore is a semi-casual Alliance raiding guild on Khadgar/Alleria that has been around since Vanilla (13 + Years). We are a small to medium sized, close-knit guild of friendly, mature players, with the majority being over the age of 40 with children and jobs.

We offer a laid back environment with dedicated players willing to put in the work to succeed. We make a push for Heroic each expansion, but put fun above progress. Low pressure, other than the pressure we put on ourselves.

We raid Sundays from 4pm-8pm CST. (2-6 pm Pacific) and every other Saturday with Mythic Plus, Timewalking, etc. throughout the week. We are currently 8/8 N and 7/8H in Eternal Palace.

We are looking for mature, friendly, active, and dedicated players to join us for BFA and beyond.

If you wish to raid, we expect you to come prepared (food, flasks, enchants, gems, know your class and rotation) and on time, come with a good attitude and know how to wipe with dignity and work towards progress.

We will accept anyone who would be a good fit for our guild, and can currently accommodate almost any class, but are especially looking for talented DPS classes and 1 experienced raid tank and 1 experienced dual raid dps/healer. We would also love to see a shadow priest in our raids.

You do not need to be a raider to join, we also accept casual players looking for a long term family to play with. We will help with gearing if you show you are working hard on your own as well.

Please consider us if you are looking for a fun, mature, and friendly environment with an established, long term guild.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or wish to consider Descendants of Lore as your new home. Daveta#1154.

Hello! My guild Evolved might be a good fit for you! We are an 18+ community and most of our members have families, jobs, etc so we understand the importance of real life coming first. Because of this, we do not require 100% raid attendance. We run multiple raid groups, so plenty of room for you! Everyone is super friendly, mature, and a ton of fun to be around. :smiley: We like to focus on having a strong community as it makes the game so much more enjoyable! We do all kinds of things besides raiding such as M+, arena, world pvp, dungeons, etc. We just like having fun together! :slight_smile:

We raid Tues/Fri/Sat from 9-11 pm EST with an optional hour on Fri/Saturday. Evolved is an Alliance guild on the Proudmoore server.

You can read more at:

You can contact me at BNet Starlight200#1548 or Discord Star#0700 if you have more questions.

I wish you luck in the guild hunt! Finding the right group makes a huge difference! :smiley: