Looking for Guild - DK, 1.6k+ io, 7/8m, 390 iLvl (DH and Hunter alts)

Not gonna lie…I feel a bit of a connection here to you as I am a former blood dk main (late wrath/early cata up to legion). Went bear like everyone else then but eventually settled on dpsing as a DH here in BfA.

Anyway, if you are open to going alliance…

…check us out. We have an immediate opening for a full time tank. We’re currently 5/8 mythic. We run RBGs every weekend. We have several members well above 1k+ IO that love to push keys regularly throughout the week. As far as raid times go, we raid Tuesday/Wednesday from 8pm PST to 11pm PST.

In closing, since you listed some of your WoW highlights, I’ll leave my top WoW memory here: back in BC, I was the guild mana battery. It was the first time I got to dps after healing throughout vanilla. Our very first Kael’thas kill, I went a bit overboard and blew all of my dkp on the first verdant sphere. :slight_smile: