I need to do some jumping jacks.
This needs updating. One day.
OE has a new weekend team that is working on M Ghuun guys! Go join and help them destroy it! I think the group is 8 weeks old? They are doing great tbh.
Hit buttons. Kill bosses. Get lewt.
Ya’ll are so great.
We can help with all your weekend needs!
Would you happen to have a recent idea what each team has for role openings?
The ones I know off hand are:
Closed but accepting apps to keep on file.
- Balance Druid (currently trialing one, tbd)
- Mistweaver Monk (currently trialing one, tbd)
- Mage (currently trialing one, tbd)
Legend Weekend
- Tank (no Brewmaster)
- Elemental Shaman (currently trialing one, tbd)
- Warrior (currently trialing two, tbd)
- Mistweaver Monk
Synthesis Weekend
Closed but accepting apps to keep on file.
- Mage (currently trialing one, tbd)
- Holy Paladin (currently trialing one, tbd)
- Balance Druid (currently trialing two, tbd)
Tagging on
1 Disc/Holy Priest
1 Shadow Priest
1 Ret Paladin
1 BM Hunter
I’m pretty sure I just need a tank in my weekend team now. = )
All my life I’ve been good.
Grats on all the new guys who got CE!
OE got CE too! I didn’t see! Grats new weekend team!
Join us! It’s super fun here.
Man 6 hours doesn’t feel like enough sometimes.
It really doesn’t. I wish we did 1 extra day.
Good times to be had here.
Need mages please join.
Mages have all rerolled to Warlocks.