Looking for AOTC Heroic Raid Guild

looking for a guild for 10.1 AOTC heroic raiding and mythic plus can do any nights open to either healing or dps roles, as its start of new season class is flexible.

Hey mate, Sudden Prolapse is a new 1 night aotc guild for 10.1, about a month old and smackin out 8/8 every week between 730-1030 ST thursdays on Dreadmaul. We have a solid roster already but still looking for more ranged dps. We’d be happy with whatever ranged dps you enjoy most except for hunter, but we’d love a lock/mage/ele sham. We will consider whatever role/class you’d like to play most though.

If youre interested, hit me up on discord Ballbag#9324

Molotov on would be interested in you if you’re still looking mate. We’ve been around since Vanilla (meaning the officer core is old people although a lot of the roster is newer of course) and have been clearing content for a long time. Plenty of pluses go on, and we always get AotC.

Raid times: 8 – 11pm Server time Wednesday & Thursday (AEST).

Contact Disapproving (Battletag Disapproving#1792 or Discord Disapproving#7517), or Rath (Battletag Rath#6607).

Hey there Dysterra,

Thought I’d drop a line as I’m happy to chat if you’re still out and looking for a Guild!

Check out our recruitment post here ->> The Collective - [H] Barthilas > Mythic Raid Recruiting (+Keys, PvP, Guild Events & More!) - #10 by Zermatt-barthilas

Again, more than happy to chat ; heaps on offer, plenty to discuss and would be glad to send over more information via discord regarding the Guild and the grand plans we have for 10.1 and beyond.

You can reach me on Zermatt#4262 via Discord, alternatively reply through here and we can take it from there.

All the best!


Hi there, Anarchy inc is on Dath’remar and we achieved AOTC and aiming to do again. We are full on healers but def have a spot for dps. We are not huge but not too small either and like to chill on discord. We love M+ but also have some hardcore mount and pet collectors and achievement hunters :smiley: My battletag is Zwirbel#1679 send me a message and I can link you our discord.


Bloody Magpies are looking for both DPS and Healers, our post is here;

We seem to match what you are looking for, I would love to have a chat. Please reach out to me on Discord - ItTinglesss#2228

Hey Mate - Onineko (H) Barthilas are looking for a Heals to join our team for 10.1, we are pretty flexible on class of healer (Priest, Druid or Shammy preferred).

We do AOTC every raid, have an active M+ community and occasionally do a Mythic Raid if the mood suits (this tier we did the first 2 Mythic for cache goodness).

We raid Wed and Thu nights from 8:30 to 11:00 Server Time.

Hit me up at LeBob 2#8405 on Discord or Bob#11581 in game if you want to chat.