Looking for AOTC Guild for 9.1

I think we may fit you perfect, give us a look.

Alpha Guild on US Stormrage

We are an active and friendly guild that is willing to help new and old players alike. We foster a positive and drama free atmosphere and have low tolerance for anything else. Many of our players have been around since Vanilla and are willing to help with all aspects of the game.

If this sounds like something you would like to try contact;

Sylvysa in game

Hi Kazie, Persistent on Thrall is recruiting a few more to fill out our raid team. We get AOTC every tier with casual Mythic progression. Raid days/times are Tues/Thurs 9pm-12am est. You can contact me in game B-tag is Cocopuff#1627 or on discord at Coco#6386. Look forward to hearing from you. :slight_smile:

Is there any wiggle room in your times? Descendants of Lore is an AOTC raiding guild and we are looking for more for 9.1 to replace a few that have stopped raiding for real life reasons. We raid every Sunday and every other Saturday from 2pm-6pm PST. We have a mix of West and East Coast players with jobs, families, and adult responsibilities and we found that schedule the most versatile for everyone. I will leave our spam below, and if you would like to talk more please feel free to add me to battlenet:

[A] Descendants of Lore is a semi-casual Alliance raiding guild on Khadgar/Alleria/Exodar/Medivh that has been around since Vanilla (15 + Years). We are a small to medium sized, close-knit guild of friendly, mature players, with the majority being over the age of 30 with, jobs, families, and adult responsibilities.

We offer a laid back environment with dedicated players willing to put in the work to succeed but not at the expense of fun or sanity.

We make a push for Heroic each expansion.

We raid Sundays from 4pm-8pm CST. (2-6 pm Pacific) and every other Saturday with plenty of opportunities for Mythic + throughout the week.

We are looking for mature, friendly, active, and dedicated players to join us for Shadowlands and beyond.

If you wish to raid, we expect you to come prepared (food, flasks, enchants, gems, know your class and rotation) and on time, come with a good attitude and know how to wipe with dignity and work towards progress.

We will accept anyone who would be a good fit for our guild, and can currently accommodate almost any class, but are especially looking for talented DPS classes, healers, and a hybrid tank to help fill in for tanking when needed.

If you have made it past the novella, please consider us if you are looking for a fun, mature, and friendly environment with an established, long term guild that doesn’t tolerate drama. Or if you are looking for a raid experience filled with silliness and dad jokes.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or wish to consider Descendants of Lore as your new home. Daveta#1154.

Hey there we have slots open AOTC guild looking to push into mythic this teir check us out

(One Shot Is Never Enough) Bleeding Hollow Looking to Grow our Mythic Team for 9.1 3/10M Tue/ Thurs 9est to 11:30est. RBG’S on the weekend and mythic + on off nights. Currently looking for a 3 dps , and 1 flex healer/dps.

We have 3rd raid night every other week on Mon. Returning Players and casual Players welcome. Battle.net Fenadorm#1793

Hello Kazie!

Veterans of Far Realms is an alliance guild on Stormrage! We are a progressive raiding guild. We started as a reroll guild in April, and now we are looking to flesh out our raid team. The pillar of the guild is our focus on community! We have a strong social foundation, and are very accepting.

We also strive to be AOTC in 9.1 and beyond. We offer a place where you can raid, and have competent leaders and team members that can clear content, and offer a place to improve and learn, without the stress.

We also do M+ runs, time walking dungeons/raids, transmog/mount farming, and just anything that sounds fun and enjoyable.

We also want to emphasize we are new player, and new raider friendly! So if you’ve always wanted to raid but felt behind, or too new, we offer a place to learn and experience things with a group that understands!

If you’re interested please add a recruiter on one of the following:

Discord: Purple_86#9819|ShovelCopter#0286

Bnet: Purple86#1959 |ShovelCopter#1477

Thanks for reading!!

Order is recruiting for 9.1!

Tues/Thurs 10-12PM EST

We are a PVE minded guild pushing mythic in 9.1 with the goal of substantial mythic progress. We have a solid community of players for M+ and keys are run regularly on off nights. Relaxed raiding environment that jokes around on farm and focuses up for progress, with an experienced RL.

Looking for all players who know their classes well, understand the demands of mythic progress or are willing to learn, and who can be available some off nights to push keys.
Slots available: 1 non-druid healer and 3-5 dps.

Order is located on the Eredar server link.

Raid Expectations:
Come prepared with food, flask, gems, enchants, oils.
Solid knowledge of your class.
Have done some research for progress bosses.
Willingness to improve.

What you can expect from us:
Raids will be on time. That means pulling the boss at the start time.

If a raid needs to be cancelled, notice will be given as early as possible. The raid will not be held hostage for a revolving door of pugs.

The guild will never ask for BOE drops or funding. However, we are appreciative of any donations towards keeping things running and consumables stocked for everyone.

You will be asked to perform well in order to clear content in a timely manner, but you will not be micromanaged.

Ulfrunn: Btag – Glace#21698; Discord – Luna#5164
Either: Btag – Either#1924; Discord - Either#6959
Winter: Discord - winterdaze#3326

<Ibyish Clan> might be a good fit for you! We are a long-standing, casual AOTC guild on the Malygos/Garona/Icecrown server and we’re looking for a few reliable players to round out our 9.1 raid team. Our raid times are Wed/Sun 5:30-7:30 PST. We do guild M+ on off nights. I’d love to chat with you more! If you’re interested, please add my bnet tag: Riv#1381. Thanks!

Hello! Your raid time preference is right around the time we raid (6:30 PM - 9 PM Pacific). If you are cool with potentially raiding weekends (we raid Fri/Sat), I would love to have a chat with you!

Discord: Airwavve#1111
Bnet: Airwavve#11808

Hey there,

Raid Schedule: (6 hours/week)

Fri/Sat - 9:00PM to 12:00AM EST (6:00-9:00 PM PST)

Murderous Gummy Bears is recruiting raiders for our Mythic roster in Shadowlands. The team was 4/12 in Nya’l’otha, and fairly casual in 9.0, but under our new amazing leadership (me) our stretch goal will be to get CE in 9.1. We’re doing a full Heroic Nathria clear from 6-9 pacific tonight and tomorrow we will be attempting Mythic starting at Shriekwing. Come join us for a good old time.

Core Tenants of the Raid

  1. Show respect to your fellow raiders.
  2. Do not be arrogant or resentful.
  3. Kill bosses.
  4. Realize you could be benched at any time for poor performance and be pleasantly surprised if you are not.
  5. Player ability is more important than the class or spec.
  6. We are happy to help anyone improve who reaches out and shows the willingness to learn.
  7. Don’t be an idiot because you embarrass yourself and the raid.

We are focused on results and will not micromanage how you play the game. If you can play your class well enough to meet our minimum requirements you are more than welcome to play an off-meta spec or select an off-meta covenant. We are not going for the world first kill of these bosses so play what you enjoy and play it to the best of your ability without worrying too much about min maxing things that are immaterial. We’re not wiping because someone picked Venthyr instead of Night Fae or only did 1 M+ run for the week instead of 10.

BTag: Deadlift#1353
Discord: Deadlift#4338

Hey :slightly_smiling_face: Our intention is to be an AotC level casual/raiding guild. Currently looking for Healers/RDPS/MDPS to round out and bolster our team.

A little about Chemically Balanced is that we started as a small group of friends who got tired of Guild hopping trying to find the right fit for us. We are an East Coast Guild looking to raid Sat/Sun 9Pm to 12Pm. During the week we hang out, work on Alts (its an addiction) and run M+.

We are pretty layed back and are just looking to have our after work/school hours relaxing and fun with friends and family. That being said a level of situational awareness and proper mechanic tactics is expected from each individual who intends to raid. If your just coming back to the game, we don’t mind answering questions and helping teach players the basics of Shadowlands.

We also welcome package deals if you have friends/family that want to stick with you even if they have no intention of raiding but want a more casual position in the guild.

If you are interested or have any questions feel free to send me a msg on battle.net

Afternoon Kazie!

Our guild, Obvious Immortalis Plug on Stormrage, might be a good spot for you, we are looking for heals and dps to round out our raid team. We raid Friday/Saturday 9pm eastern until 11.30 with the goal of hitting AOTC and then maybe some mythic dabbling if the team is feeling it :slight_smile:

We also love to push keys with plenty of folk going for KSM again, we will do the raid achievement and basically hang out and have a laugh playing the game together.

If you’re interested at all hit me up on disc, yabigchoob#1967 if not hope you and your friends find the right fit.


Hey Kazie, our guild has been AOTC for every tier since BFA and has gone into mythic a couple of times in between. We could definitely use a couple of solid new players on our roster. Feel free to add me. retrowave#11236

Hello! I’m raid leader for an Alliance-side cross-realm AOTC Raid Group and we could use a good Hunter in our ranks (with spots for more depending on what you’re friends are interested in playing). We also raid exactly your times: 6-9 PST Fridays and Sundays (Sundays only for 2 hours, since I have East Coasters I like to get to bed at a decent time).

If you’re still looking, let’s talk soon.

Battlenet: Chaoswhite#1873
Discord: Sin#9334

-Respec- is an Alliance AOTC Progression Raiding guild based out of Blade’s Edge - currently 10/10 H Castle Nathria and getting ready for the launch of Sanctum of Domination. Our focus is clearing Normal and Heroic modes of raid content while it’s relevant, while also being able to maintain a good work/life balance during the week.

Our members are all veteran raiders that believe in good class play and teamwork to overcome all raid challenges, while also being a group of laid-back nerdy types wanting to have fun in raid. Our general atmosphere is more mature and intimate with a hard stance against toxic/elitist personalities. Outside of Raid, we like to run high M+ keys for those that are interested!

  • Current Progression: 10/10 H Castle Nathria
  • We raid on Friday and Sunday Evenings!
  • Raid Times: Fridays @ 9-12 PM EST / 8-11 PM CST / 7-10 PM MST / 6-9 PM PST (3 Hours) -AND- Sundays @ 9-11 PM EST / 8-10 PM CST / 7-9 PM MST / 6-8 PM PST (2 Hours)
  • Mythic+ Keys throughout the week (runs organized via Discord)

NOTE: We DO NOT expect a server transfer or joining our guild if you are happy where you are! Since we only raid up to Heroic content, we actively use a cross-realm community to keep our players together!

The kind of people that would enjoy and excel in our group are players who prefer smaller raid sizes with a chill atmosphere, but still want to see good class play from others while working towards that next kill for AOTC. Our current raiders are all veterans across multiple expansions, but big on being Nerdy, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Couple Friendly, and overall just having fun. Finally, we’re a team built on respect and understanding that, sometimes, real life happens. For the person who is trying to juggle life while still wanting to push raid in a quality environment - we’re just that. When you make the time to play with us, we will respect that time with content to play or give you that time back with as much advance notice as possible.

Ultimately, the only way to see if we’re a good fit for you is to join us on one of our raid nights and see what we’re all about. I welcome anyone interested to hit me up on Discord or Battlenet and let’s talk more about what you’re wanting from your raid experience and what we can do to match it. As long as you can play your class, we can explain the fights and make it work!

Check out Evolved!

Too Sweet is an active & established guild on Alliance side of Lightbringer

GM: Nessdark,
Officers: Wolfpac, Verethas, Feroce, Felweeb, Falovard, and Vull

Our community is proud to be the home for beginner and veteran players alike. We regularly run Mythic Keystone dungeons, normal and heroic raids, plus transmog, mount & achievement runs. We strive for AOTC each raid tier at a pace that fits the core roster. You should join us if you are a Parent or College age player who just wants to enjoy the game. Play in a relaxed setting without much pressure to play something you dont want to. Our raids are known to be big social events with lots of laughter, music, and progression. We believe we play better if everyone is enjoying themselves.

Currently Recruiting DPS and 1 healer
DPS classes of interest would be Range (Mage , Warlock, Hunter, Elemental Shaman)
Healer class (Disc or Holy Priest, Holy Paladin)

Raid Progress:
N 10/10, H 10/10

Raid Times:
Fridays 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM PST (Realm Time)

To join: Whisper any officer or member online.
or message me on battlenet
Jackymoon#1378 aka Wolfpac

Allo Kazie o/

Dusk Eternal is a Horde AotC focused guild that raids M/F 9p-12a EASTERN. We got our AotC back in March (PRE-NERF), so any of these other 10/10H “AotC” guilds might be trying to sell you some watered down coffee in place for some good Columbian bean juice!

If the times and days work for you and your friends, hit me up on discord (bluu#7164) so we can talk some more details. We would need to know what classes/specs your friends are bringing to the table. Recruitment thread below.

Will drop our spam in as well in case you haven’t found the right fit yet =)

Hey there,

MGB might be a good fit based on what you’re looking for. Happy to discuss more if you’re interested!

Raid Schedule: (6 hours/week)

Fri/Sat - 8:00PM to 11:00PM PST (5:00-8:00 PM PST)

With 9.1 almost upon us, MGB is bolstering our progression raiding team and starting the trial period for new recruits. This is an open invite to anyone who is interested in challenging themselves with more difficult Heroic and Mythic raiding content and getting that sweet, sweet loot as soon as possible. We are happy to provide suggestions for improvement to anyone who is willing to learn. In Nya’lotha we were able to clear 3 out of the 12 Mythic bosses with a very late start so I am setting our stretch goal for Sanctum of Domination to be 7 of 10 Mythic bosses killed.

The raid schedule is still somewhat up in the air but is likely to be sometime around Friday/Saturday night from 5-8 Pacific time.

Prerequisites to join:

  1. Be respectful of your fellow raiders
  2. Show up on time and let us know if you are unable to make a raid night
  3. Play your class to the best of your ability

Also note that if you can play your class well enough to meet our minimum requirements you are more than welcome to play an off-meta spec or select an off-meta covenant.

BTag: Deadlift#1353
Discord: Deadlift#4338

Hey Kazie, if you guys are still looking, we raid Wednesday and Sunday 8 to 11pm est. Check us out below, would love to have you.