Looking for an interactive/laidback guild


I have recently gotten back into WoW. I am looking for an interactive/laidback guild for raids, M+ and so on. I raided previously in Legion and achieved AOTC. I would like to get back to that. Currently I am playing an enhance shaman. I am still learning, but I am open to feedback and suggestions. I have other characters at 60 (DK and Hunter) however I stopped playing shortly after Shadowlands dropped. Overall it is all a work in progress, but I am willing to work at it any chance I get.

Thank you for your time. ThirtyK#1667/Propheci

Good Day!
Hope this message finds you well.

Night Renegades is currently recruiting and would love for you to stop by and meet the fam! We are a tight knit gaming community that expands over a few different games.

NR is an Ally Mid-Core AOTC guild on Doomhammer/Baelgun that has been around since the start, we are currently open to any roles/classes and are looking for people that are a great fit for our community and raid team. We also have M+ groups that run before raids and on weekends.

If you are interested in a chat or a few group runs please feel free to contact anyone listed below!
Bip-Doomhammer Dudz#1750 (Bnet) Dudz#7637 (Discord)
Bacstabath-Baelgun Eli#1219 (Bnet)

Current Progression:
11/11N (server 1st) 10/11H SoFO
10/10H SoD AOTC
9/10H CN
12/12 Nya AOTC

Raid Times:
2000-2300 EST

Guild Application:


Hello Propheci!

I think you would be a great fit for our guild and community! I would love to chat with you about our guild!

Found a Green Quest Horde on Zul’jin now recruiting!

Found a Green Quest - a US horde community on Zul’jin is now recruiting all classes & roles for 9.2 for raiding, questing Mythic Keystones & more. We’re planning to hit the ground running for AOTC in Sepulcher of The First Ones. Our raid nights are Sundays & Wednesdays 7:30pm-10pm Est. If this sounds interesting to you, please feel free to reach out to me via Discord or in game only.
Discord: Kiuayoukai#2395
In game: Kiuayoukai-Zul’jin

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Hello Propheci. If you interested in a friendly causal guild or community, Found a Green Quest on Zul’jin is a great place. We’ve had dozen or so players in the last month or two come in returning to the game after a few months or years and we’d love to have you and help you find the character that seems right to play. We have Mythics every Monday open to anyone in the community regardless of Item or experience level, and we raid Sundays and Wednesday, along with other activities we are looking into. Even if your not on Zul’jin and don’t feel like transferring, you’ll be welcome in our community. Just let me or Kiuayoukai (she posted a little earlier) know and we can give you a link to the discord.

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Hi! Abomination - Area 52 is an AOTC focused guild. We started as a reroll guild back in December 2021. Everyone any level any class is welcome to join us!

We have decided to partake in cross faction raiding. We have both a horde and an alliance guild set up on Area 52. All factions are welcome!

Diablo Immortal
Our raid days are Thursday and Friday 7:30pm EST - 10:30pm EST.
Our current progress is 10/11N & 10/11H & 1/11M in SotFO. In SoD our progress was 10/10N 10/10H 1/10M. Our goal is to hit heroic at a reasonable pace, achieve AOTC every tier and possibly more. Repairs, flasks, feasts, armor kits, and weapon oils will all provided for each raid when appropriate.

Forgot to Flask
This is our second and new raid team we are starting up! We are still building the roster for it and have space for all roles currently. Our raid days will be Sunday and Monday 7pm EST -10pm EST. As soon as we have some more of the roster fleshed out it will start raiding!

If you are not interested in raiding we have people running keys every day. Whether you are doing a +2 or +22 there are people here that will do it with you. :slight_smile:

So if you are interested in joining us, having some fun, and making new friends or have some questions feel free to join us in discord: discord.gg/abomination