Looking for adventurers

Hello. I’m looking to see if anyone would be interested in some afternoon questing or mount runs or anything really. Around 7:30 or 8. For around and hour. Not everyday but a few here and there. Nothing super serious or hardcore, just random things that we decide to do. I don’t have a lot of game experience played, so I don’t know many people in game yet. Just looking for adventure.

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Hey Kylethos, welcome to Earthen Ring! Always great to have newcomers among us.

The forums have become pretty quiet with the introduction of Discord and other means of communication so I highly recommend reaching out in-game in General chat or Trade Chat to see who’s out and about and interested in doing some fun runs!

Great to have you on the server and I’ll see you in-game!

If you see me, or anyone in my guild hit us up! We’re almost always down for anything!

My fellow guild is currently on a break but I am coming back next month sometime and will keep an eye out for your name in general/trade chat.