Looking for active vanilla classic server clusters

Hello! Looking for an active vanilla server cluster (leveling and some end game shenanigans). Ironforge.pro hasn’t updated in a longgggg time. Any suggestions?

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For a pvp server, go to Whitemane.

For a pve server, go to Mankrik.

Those are the two servers that get free transfers and they’re the central point of the active clusters.


Thanks mate! Are both factions active on each cluster or is one more dominated than the other?

I am on Mankrik (pve) and I’d say that Alliance is about 2:1 more than Horde at all levels, and maybe 3:1 for level 60s. I’ve only been running CensusPlus for a little over a week now, but it shows about 1400 total Horde characters (clearly more) with about 300 at level 60. There one large active raiding guild on Horde-side, but they have multiple teams and are in Naxx, I believe. They have a raid going every night. There is also joint raiding by some of the other Horde guilds.

Alliance has at least two raiding guilds, maybe more. Just checked and there are 120 Alliance 60s on right now, 300+ total. My Census addon has found 2400 total Alliance characters so far but it’s clearly MUCH higher because I don’t log onto my Alliance alt to check it as much.

TL;DR… Mankrik is a mature server with a large % of 60s. Expect to level mostly solo from 1-59. Join a guild to do dungeons (probably boosted) as opposed to finding random groups in LookingForGroup. You’ll find it easier to pug dungeons at 60 and should be able to do raids unless you are obviously anti-social.

I’m not sure if it would be harder to do raids on Horde or Alliance side. There are fewer raids on Horde, but then again a good player will find more opportunities to stand out.

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Here’s a portion of the bluepost pertaining to the Classic Era realm clusters:

In descending order, the region/server type of these clusters are:

  • PvP West
  • Oceanic PvP
  • PvE East
  • PvE West
  • PvP East 1
  • PvP East 2

As others have stated, Whitemane (in PvP West) and Mankrik (in PvE East) receive free transfers from other clusters. I play on the PvP East 1 cluster holding together Benediction, Faerlina, Heartseeker, Incendius, and Netherwind. My advice is to roll a level 1 on a prospective realm/cluster and chat with the locals.

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Not the cluster with Old Blanchy. Double digit populations (as reported by /who commands) at primetime on both factions.

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Thanks ya’ll looks like I’m going mankrik alliance!

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