Looking for Active Guild

Hello everyone.

I am seeking an active guild, I’m interested in raiding at heroic level as well as M+ and pvp. Currently I am Horde on Hyjal but willing to faction swap/server transfer for the right guild. My main play times are 7pm-11pm PST weekdays, I also play fairly regularly early morning on weekends usually 530am start.

A little about myself.

I am 36. I live in the central interior of British Columbia, Canada. I absolutely love WoW and have been playing off and on since late 2006. I love to raid, run dungeons, pvp, whatever the game has to offer. My current main in SL is a 219 prot paladin which I’ve used to pug my way to KSM this season. Ret OS with a holy set in the works. Alts, 195 ele shaman. 180 veng DH. Fresh 60 MM hunter. I am open to changing mains based on the needs of the guild if needed. I am a very quick learner and have no problem doing the research. Also I will never show up to a raid/other event late if I have committed to it and always come prepared fully enchanted/gemmed with consumables needed and having done the research on new encounters.

Raid exp:

9/10 H Nathria, only because I’ve been pugging in SL and was concentrating on KSM.
AOTC Nyalotha - on DH
AOTC Blackrock Foundry
AOTC Highmaul
10 man LK down before nerfs.
All WotLK raids cleared while relevant, 10 man setting.
All TBC raids cleared while relevant.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, please feel free to contact me in game or on discord, or respond to this post.
Btag: Tanth#1887
Discord: Tanth#2145

Hey there!

I’m from we’re a progressive raiding guild, that also runs M+s.

We also do time walking, mount/mog runs, and other group content!

Our raid days are Fri/Sat 8 PM EST.

If you’re interested here is our forum post: [H] Progressive Raiding(Fri/Sun 8 PM EST). Community Focused

You can also add me on:

Bnet: Purple86#1959
Discord: Purple_86#9819

Hey Ranndo, it sounds like you would be a good fit for our guild. We are an adult only (21+, avg ages 30’s-40’s) guild on Area 52. We raid on Tues and Thurs from 7-10pm PST and are currently 10/10H, looking for a few more dps to move into mythic. Outside of raiding, our folks enjoy pushing keys, leveling alts, and some even pvp. If you’re interested, you can add me at Rawrabear#1450 or Fenrisulv#4433 on discord.