Looking for a RP server? Make Moon Guard your home

Hello, so for awhile now I have been looking for a server to make my home and Ive skipped back and forth between alliance and horde and it came down to either Wyrmrest for Horde or Moon Guard for Alliance. after leveling toons on several servers and checking out the community and how active the hot spots were and when it comes to a Community RP and Non RP Ive found Moonguard is where its at! You could be questing in the middle of Felwood and come across a group of RPers RPing in the middle of nowhere, or walk down the streets of Stormwind and sometimes it actually feels like youre walking through a city with everything going on from someone giving cooking lessons in the courtyard, a murder mystery in the mage quarter there is just no other server that compares to Moon Guard on Alliance IMO. Ive done countless google searches looking for a server to call my home and it always came down to the same couple of forum posts so I thought I would give my two cents in and hope that someone that was in my position doing the same thing finds this one. covering my bases- this is just my opinion but also many others so just take it as that, a opinion.


100%. As someone who played as far back as Wrath, Moon Guard really feels like the last of the ā€œoldā€ servers, where we have a bustling economy, wide variety of events and guilds to cater to different types of players, and a real community to support everyone.

Say what you will about the drama; thatā€™s just a sign that people care enough to get bothered over things. Iā€™ll take Moon Guard over a dying, sharded server any day.


Honestly canā€™t argue with this. I like WRA a lot in its own way still and all but ever since I decided to slide on over to MG while waiting for Shadowlands Iā€™ve found things feel a lot more ā€˜livelyā€™ here. Now to just get over my social awkwardness and actually say hi to peopleā€¦

Justā€¦donā€™t turn on Trade Chatā€¦


(Trade Chat is life.)

Same for me man, brought to make me betray the Horde and careless what people think of me playing as a worgen.

yeah, almost everyone I know on Moonguard has trade chat turned off or put into another window lol