Looking for a place to call home

I think it’s time for a change…

Once upon a time, I was married to this guy who introduced me to wow.

He has/had been involved with wow since TBC and introduced me in WOTLK.

He taught me the ropes of the game and everything.
I felt in love with the game the moment he recruited me to it.

We separated in 2020.

I am now with a new person 2 years later but this guy is a console dude and only plays PS5 games

I have been trying to get back into gaming with wow but it feels so weird to not have a play mate anymore

My ex husband was a Blood DK Tank and I was his cute little Tree druid healer.

We made a cute amazing team

Now I am learning how to DK blood Tank since I no longer have a gaming partner.

I have been on the fence of getting back active into wow due to separation/divorce

I currently just quest so I can familiarize with how things work in new current expansion.

I just feel all that blood, sweat, tears, and hours of my dedication of gearing my characters shouldn’t go to waste.

My current partner has no interest in wanting to learn the game and says it’s to nerdy for him…

So when I try to game he plays on his PS5 but it’s not the same.

I miss gaming with a gaming partner and feels lonely to play alone now and these days.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far.

I guess I just wanted a place to vent.

I’m also currently looking for a new place to call home

I’ve been on Proudmoore as an alliance for years.

Perhaps it’s time for me to move on and try a new change.

Open minded to any offers.

I’m a casual player who can’t be on all the time but I don’t want to drift away from the game

I still want to stay interested since I dedicated my whole life to the game ever since WOTLK came out.

Just need to find a new place to call home .

Hey there! We are a new guild on Proudmoore!
What can we offer? Guild things and stuff! Lol.
*We are currently building our raid team. We have one tank spot available and we need strong dps and healers. We are starting normal just while get the group together! Must be on Proudmoore or willing to commit to our team! We are happy to help those that are just starting raid. Most of us are AOTC and would love to get the guild there! Raid Fri/Sat as of now, starting 7pm est.
Fun environment, 18+, military friendly (won’t get kicked for being away for your job), dark humor and more! We do have a discord and community.
Anyone and everyone is welcome. Don’t care what you play, how long you have played and what content you play. We are also a play what you want guild, so for raid (when we get a group), you bring what you want as long as it is geared!
My discord is mtrbtmygoat, my btag is kornwalliss#1174 for any information
Guild name is Till Valhalla, US Server.

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Hi Sallymystic!

If someone is looking for friendly social community, the beating heart of a MMO, Found a Green Quest (US Horde Zul’jin & cross realm/cross faction community) is the place. While we have Keystone masters and amazing players, we have many more in the community either returning to WoW, in classic or just finding their way through the World of Warcraft in a casual friendly environment. We have mythic Mondays for a respectful and fun environment. We raid weekly in Wednesdays and Thursdays (7:30pm-10pm EST) and are interested in building up people not tearing them down. We have plans for guild sponsored PVP, regular t-mog runs to old content, Guild trivia and game nights, Pet battle tournaments, almost any activity you can think of in the game. If you’re a high key pushers but are getting turned off by negativity, or are a casual looking for a fun and friendly community or are a new or returning player intimidated by everything you see ingame and in Wowhead, we have Plenty of people ready to help you out. Give Found a Green Quest shot and you wont regret it.

Let Kiuayoukai or Van know if you’re interested!

Discord Kiuayoukai#2395
Battle.net Kiua#1912
Discord- Vandro#5790
Battlenet- TheHammer#1904

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Sent you a battlenet invite to chat about your guild. I’m looking for a new one on a new server. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Greetings Sallymystic,

If you’re interested in having a conversation, I’d love to chat with you about my guild. We’re really looking for folks that want to join a community and be an active participant. Raiding/M+ progression isn’t a requirement, we just want to make new friends in-game.

Discord - Briznot; Battle.net - Briznot#1909

Recruitment Post

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Hey Sally! We are looking for a player like you to play with and raid with. If you’re looking for a balance between content progression and a fun guild, Heartbreakers is the perfect fit for you.

Heartbreakers is a friendly Heroic Raiding guild. Our goal is to achieve AOTC and potentially make some Mythic boss progress while maintaining a positive, fun, welcoming, and friendly atmosphere. On off days, many of our members engage in arenas, battlegrounds, lower and higher keys for Mythic+, running old raids, and hanging out on Discord. A significant portion of our guild consists of players who have been actively playing the game since The Burning Crusade and have been tackling various content together.

Our raid progression and raid days/times are as follows:

8/9 H (Tuesday and Thursday, 9 PM to 12 AM EST)
In addition I host a 9/9 N run and a Heroic run which usually progresses up to Echo. I usually start the weekend raids between 5pm and 7pm.

Heartbreakers prides itself on striking a pleasant balance with the following traits:

Friendliness, respect, progression, and stability.

What we are looking for:

All specializations and classes.

DPS: Both ranged and melee.

DPS with healing off-spec.

We seek dependable players with good attitudes, be it raiders or casual players. We welcome individuals searching for a long-term guild to call home, where they can enjoy both the game’s content and experiences, along with the social aspect of the game.

Feel free to add me on BNet at yrreg4791#1858. I look forward to chatting with you and possibly raiding together! :slight_smile:

Hi There! We are a great community with great people and are looking to add to the greatness lol. Here’s our Guild info:

Guild & Server: <Âscension> Area-52
Raid Times/Days: Tuesdays/Thursdays | 8pm - 10:30 PM EST (Server Time)
Current Progression: 9/9N 2/9H ATSC
Recruitment Contacts: @Raemyn - Area 52 [H] or Raemynn (discord)
Role Needs: Healers, Tanks, and DPS!

We are seeking ACTIVE new members. Our raid team recently transferred from Alliance to Horde to break off from a casual Guild. We are an 18+ community seeking new ACTIVE players. Desire to Go AOTC… and beyond. Please be coachable and willing to learn/take positively driven feedback. When we are not raiding, we are doing keys. Discord required for raids, encouraged for keys. Accepting both newer players and veteran players.

  • drama bad.
  • Toxic bad.
  • kindness good!

DM me on Discord if interested: Raemynn

I hope you hear from you!

come to zul jin and join my guild youll feel great with all the new friends!