Looking for a partner to start new characters with!

Well I’m glad you found 1 friend in the see of weirdos in GD. But classic? I just have never seen the point in playing a previous version of the game. Maybe it’s because I played it when it was current content and am an old man.

Yeah, I like it because of the slower grind, lots of MMORPGs don’t have that these days, and I like the leveling process. Plus, I first played WoW in middle school during TBC but my dad ended up banning me from playing it as I grew up, so I never really got to experience any other expansions.

I guess that’s a fair reason. You can experience the past xpacs now through Chromie Time on retail. When you start your new character you can choose which expansion you want to level through. So just a thought if you ever want to see the other expansions. Also with level sync your friends who are at max level can sync to your level and quest with you.

I didn’t know Chris Hansen played wow.

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Oh yeah, I’m aware! But leveling goes by so fast in Retail that you don’t really get to truly experience the expansions. You know?

Yeah I’ve seen that as a common complaint and that when you hit 50 it boots you out of Chromie Time. Would be nice if they’d let you finish up the story without booting you out, just reduce the xp you’d gain from 50+.

Agree, I wish that was an option. I’m not a big fan of Shadowlands questing.

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feel free to add me on discord! i might have enough time to play it is Death111#7202 other wise my b.net is Death111#1300 i just have a few things to do but afterwards i got enough time to play! :slight_smile:

Why do you only want to play with men? I’m getting a lot of red flags from this ngl. The ASL thing, looking only for men, right off the bat talking about being a deviant and overly flirty.


Could you link this? this whole thing smells to me. Same @Clàrk

Lol, why do you care that much? I can tell you those Reddit posts are deleted since I’ve found a couple cool people to play with.


No, because I’m not getting banned for posting that stuff.

The fact that this thread isn’t deleted is just disturbing. Moderation failure.

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I think you’re suspicious and a borderline creeper.

There are a bunch of different reddit archives. they dont go away forever.

Ah my bad I didnt know that was something ban worthy? subreddit name maybe? idk if its the regular WoW sub cus they delete all LFG. All good tho i’ll find it eventually

Yeah I found your reddit post. This is absolutely creepy.

:joy: I’d love to hear what’s so creepy about it.

Probably the fact that it’s an obvious personal add and you talk about being sexual in it.

I mean, my original post was made in r/r4r which is totally allowed and I’ve only really had good experiences myself :woman_shrugging:t2:

I really don’t care if its allowed on that sub. I think people should be aware that you’re like that.