Looking for a new home

Hey there, I`m brand new to dragonflight and wanting to dive into it finally, ive been away from WoW for 4 years and would like to find a new home to explore the new content and do end game stuff such as M+ and raids, looking for a guild that stays up a little later then most to joke around have a drink or 2 and have fun. willing to move to any realm and start from scratch with any class needed if that is still a thing.

Hi there! I am reaching out to extend an invite for you to come join Templars of Twilight on Illidan. We are a PvE focused guild. AoTC is our main goal and we have a couple members with CE experience. We strive to keep a positive atmosphere/community where new and/or returning, and even seasoned, players can learn and grow. Many of us are knowledgeable in several classes/roles and are always running M+.

Our current progression as a guild is 8/9H ATSC. We are currently looking for a second tank and any dps but anyone and any role/class is always welcomed! If you are interested or have any questions please contact me on discord: elsibtw, or battle net: elsi#11615.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

check us out

Sinafay: Btag – Kitsune#1784; Discord – Sinafay#3443
Chewtabacca: Btag – Chewtabacca#11193; Discord - Pookiejones#1829

Hey there!! I’d love to talk to you about our newly formed guild!!

We’re a new mythic plus and aotc focused guild located on Mal’Ganis(faction does not matter). We will not be doing mythic at all.

9/9H EXP and 2500+ io experience in leadership.

Guild will be kept small as to avoid cliques and people being left out.

Times are 8-11pm EST Wed/Thurs

Alts welcome, casuals welcome, mythic plus only players welcome.

discord is imjustmadd or bnet is CareFae#1385.

Hey - my guild Daybreak is recruiting new/casual/returning players. We formed prior to season 2 of Dragonflight by mythic raider friends, aiming to achieve AOTC every tier and while we are not CE focused, we plan on going into mythic while keeping a casual and chill environment. As a guild we’ve Progressed to AOTC VotI 2/8M, and AOTC Aberrus.

We welcome any chill player to join, we’re PST based and mostly late night players. Discord games/movie nights, chatty cathys and helpful people abound.

If you’re interested you can reach me or our GM Grum

Discord: bresei#4676
Bnet: bresei#1157

Discord: Grum#9775
Bnet: Grum#11774


Hey Hoofaround! We are looking for a player like you to play with and raid with. If you’re looking for a balance between content progression and a fun guild, Heartbreakers is the perfect fit for you.

Heartbreakers is a friendly Heroic Raiding guild. Our goal is to achieve AOTC and potentially make some Mythic boss progress while maintaining a positive, fun, welcoming, and friendly atmosphere. On off days, many of our members engage in arenas, battlegrounds, lower and higher keys for Mythic+, running old raids, and hanging out on Discord. A significant portion of our guild consists of players who have been actively playing the game since The Burning Crusade and have been tackling various content together.

Our raid progression and raid days/times are as follows:

9/9 H (Tuesday and Thursday, 9 PM to 12 AM EST)
In addition I host a 9/9 N run and a Heroic run which usually progresses up to Echo. I usually start the weekend raids between 5pm and 7pm.

Heartbreakers prides itself on striking a pleasant balance with the following traits:

Friendliness, respect, progression, and stability.

What we are looking for:

All specializations and classes.

DPS: Both ranged and melee.

DPS with healing off-spec.

We seek dependable players with good attitudes, be it raiders or casual players. We welcome individuals searching for a long-term guild to call home, where they can enjoy both the game’s content and experiences, along with the social aspect of the game.

Feel free to add me on BNet at yrreg4791#1858. I look forward to chatting with you and possibly raiding together! :slight_smile: