Looking for a Mythic raiding guild

Hey Cassie,

I’m the GM for Safe Word over on Kilrogg/Winterhoof, and I’m actively searching for a healer for our Mythic roster. We just had a healer step down and go on a break (from WoW, sad face) so we’re going to be recruiting to fill the role as soon as possible. I’d love another disc priest, and would absolutely consider a Rdruid.

We raid Tues/Thurs, 7-10pm PST (10pm-1am EST). We’re currently 4/8M, with a 45% pull on day 2 of Orgozoa progression. I think we’ll get it down this week!

If you’re interested, here’s my long post: Delete please

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself, or my recruiting officer, Esaora :slight_smile:
Discord: Fried#5654 / Esaora#3578