Hey Whylune!
I really love those tmog shoulders youre wearing, wowzers! Sooo b-e-a-Utiful!
Anyway, I LOOOOVE doing fun events in guilds! N’ that is why we’re going to do them here, in my new guild… BRB Flying Kites!! --I just have to get some members to do them with first!
Don’t let the small amount of guild members full you, I’m recruiting like a mad woman, --for I have learned from the best of the best!
I cannot wait for this guild to take off! I’m beyond excited to get members and start doing stuff with everyone!
Anywho, sorry, I’m rambling, lawl. --Please take a look at my forum spam, below!
Okay Whylune, now… if you’re interested or anything, please… get ahold of me @:
B.Tag: boxcarbinny#11348
Disc: boxcarbinny#0033
I hope you have a lovely Friday!
Take care, and hope to talk to you soon!
/ Wiggles