Looking for a home

Hey Skiros!

Welcome back to the game! I myself have just returned - took most of SL off for my new born but back at it now that he’s playing switch on his own LOL.

I thought i was going to be done with wow - but I also find wow to be my comfort zone and family type feel for a guild is super important so I think we would be a great fit! Let me know if we are - we would love to have you!


  • Tenured AotC Guild
  • LF DPS for Aberrus and beyond!
  • Heroic Raid, AOTC Focused, and active in Mythic +.
  • Plenty of melee availability, always welcome ranged.
  • 1 more heal spot once roster hits 18-20 (We recruit to 25)
  • Family First guild :heart: No Elitists

Contact Smuush-Thrall
BNET: Smush#11764
Discord: Smush#9763

Current Roster:
3 Paladin (Tank, DPS, Heal)
2 Druid (DPS)
2 Shaman (DPS, Heal)
1 Hunter
1 Evoker (DPS)
1 Warrior (Tank)
1 Priest (Heal)
1 Warlock
0 Monk, Rogue, DK, Mage, Demon Hunter

Full Post w/ who we are as a guild & raid team